Chapter 9: The Arena-1

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"So you wear these glasses cause you are blind or just like that?" trying to tease me while we were getting down the stairs.

Nodding to that, " well i am not blind but neither do i wear them just like that, I have...aa-aah, well i can't see objects at distant. SInce school I am on glasses."

"Ooh i was kidding abput the blindness well this frame suits you and gives you more the geeky look. Hope you are not one!" she exclaimed and laughed to move out of the temple. She prayed for one last time facing the temple and was all set. She was not spiritual by nature, but i guess she had an unknown belief in The Creator. That definitely was something new to me.

"So where are we heading to? What is in store?" she seemed curious and prepared. I was nervous to take her to the place i had thought, I knew nothing of her, i didn't know what kind of a person she was, I only wished that she had some fun and I wanted her to enjoy it.

"Aa-ah you will get to know, so shall we move?" There was nohing to surprise her about the venue, I couldn't tell it that's it.

"Sure! what are we waiting for? 'Chirstmas' " she chuckled saying that and it just went over my head. Christmas? What did that mean now? I decided not to understand everything and let it be.

I reached my bike first and took out the helmet. For the first time ever, a girl was boarding my bike and like how i wanted it always and this never had happenedd before and i was nervous about it. She came along and looked at  the bike and came forward, adjusted the mirror to see herself. She set her hair properly, turned to her right once and then to the left only to see whether she was looking fine from all the profiles. I was amused at her actions and glued at that sight.

"This mirror is not new to me, If you remember the first time we bumped at each other" she looked at me saying this and winked at me. So she had noticed me the first time i saw her! Now things were seeming to be off great interest. 

"You noticed me that time? " I wanted to know. "Who would miss that scene? you jumping in the air and laughing at your friends who seemed lost. " she laughed again. I bent my head and smiled for knowing that she too noticed me the day i did. 

I started the bike and set the mirror back into position and waited for her to hop on. She was feeling quite weird at that moment to sit, it was evident from her actions, her fingers were fidgeting with each other. I noitced it from the mirror and turned towards her.

"It's fine, you need not worry that much, feel comfortable." I had no idea as to why i was being this formal, she gave a smile, placed one hand on the bar behind and giving a lot of thoughts, placed her other hand on my shoulders and got on. She set herself and signaled me that we could move.

As i drove, I felt the rush of happiness, it felt amazing to take her on a ride. Somewhere down the lane, I wanted her to hug me tight and wanted to travel that way, but i knew that those days were yet to come, but definitely would come. I smiled at the thought. 

"All fine? any problem?" she seemed silent and that definitely didn't suit her. She leaned forward and placed her face near my right ear to answer. That moment all thongs fell out of focus, her voice was the sweetest thing that struck. She said she was fine and I could sense that she was getting to her normal state.

"Can I ask you something?" she said and i nodded. "that day while you and your friends were leaving, I noticed you setting the mirror and gazing at me. I need explainations for that" she sounded offended. But, the point was she had noticed all that and if she were really offended then may be this wouldn't have been happenning.

I didn't know what to answer and remained mute. The silence was cut by her pat and laughter. "It's fine, i need no explaination. It is very easy to baffle you" she laughed at it.

A Coffee at DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon