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I'm in a different bed in the same room as Elizabeth, she is sleeping and I woke up to read my diary. I was really innocent by that time, maybe the fact that I didn't know about my powers made me like that. I wish I could have trained more earlier.

The room is big and white, different from the whole place which is dark with torches, here has light and even electricity. There is a small window that is closed, I can't see the outside from here.

I get up the bed with my diaries and get out the room, there is a big table in the middle of a room and three doors, one of than lead outside, to the corridor I passed yesterday. The other two doors are the other squad members. I don't know if I'm going to stay here, but I hope Elizabeth is a better general than the others.

- Who are you? - Someone ask.

There is a man opening one of the doors. He is bigger than me, but not that big, has black hair, he is dressing a black jacket with a blue shirt, jeans and a sandals.

- Sorry, I'm new here and...

- New? - He comes close to me in the same instant. - Do you have something from outside?

- What?

- Something, like phones, ships, even a small coin is useful.

- Sorry, but I just have my diaries and this... Clothes. - I look at myself, I'm looking like a patient from an old hospital.

- Are you sure you are using clothes? It looks like you stole someone's curtain. - He smiles. - Looks like your tablets may have something good that I can use, can you give me?

- What? No!

- Come on! Just let me take a look, I can pay you! - He comes close and try to reach one of them.

- No! - I push him away and try to reach the door to get out.

- What is happening here? - A girl pops up between me and the door.

She has the same size as me, short dark hair, she has bunny ears and tail, she is dressing a black skirt and a black shirt with a bunny skull on it.

- Stella, help me to convince her to hand me these tablets, I want to take a look on them.

- What? Do you want me to take one of those? - She points to me and I take a step back.

- Get away from me!

- Come on! Make it easy, just give me one of those, you have five!

- No!

- What is the problem? You don't know how to share?

- Get away!

I reach the corner of the room, he is blocking me. My mind is confusing, I can see a vision just like this. It's scary.

I scream as loud as I can. When I stop and open my eyes, everyone is confused and with ice on them. I ran to the door outside until a bullet destroy the door knob.

- What is happening here? - Elizabeth says behind her door which now has a bullet hole. She open the door with a creepy smile. - I was having a nice dream until I heard someone screaming, if no one answer me, I'm going to... Oh, Hydra, you are still here. - She come to me.

- You are in problem Marx. - Stella says with a smile.

- Marx? - Elizabeth look towards the guy the gun pointing him.

- I just want one of the tablets! Just...

Elizabeth shooted his head, I look at him, he has a big hole in the middle of his face. I'm scared! I need to get out of here!

- Hydra! - Elizabeth calls me and I notice she is by my side. - Are you alright?

- I... - I can't speak.

I stare her creepy smile like she could shoot me any moment.

- Elizabeth! You messed up my new eye! - Marx start to speak again. His face is getting fixed by fragments, I can feel then moving through his body. - Now you owe me a new eye!

- And you owe me a good moment of sleep. - She stare him again and he take a step back. - Now, Hydra, are you all right? Sorry if I scared you, I need to keep this place in order.

- I... I'm all right... I think.

- Good morning. - A guy break the wall right by my side and enter the room. - You are late for breakfast, for the ones who still enjoy food, it's better to go there faster before everything is finished.

It's a big guy with a tan skin, he is using sunglasses, a big coat, jeans and a big boot.

- Oh, who is this new girl? - He say coming close to me.

I can't speak since I'm still surprised.

- C'mon, tell your name. - Elizabeth smile to me.

- My name... Is Hydra. Nice to meet you. - I stand my hand to him and I notice my hand is shaking.

- Don't need to shake baby. - He smile. - My name is Wallace, I hope you don't care about the sunglasses all the time since I'm blind, and nice to meet you too.

- You are blind? - I say surprised.

- Yup, but don't judge me by my problems, I can see you by your smell and you heart beat. I'm like a bat, but because the void I can see a lot more than one.

- That's... Awesome.

- Yup, and I hope you know how to use your powers, if you are going to be with us, you better start making new clothes and regenerating yourself. We don't have medics here so you can't go running screaming "I need healing" or some dumb thing like this.

- Ok... Wait, you can see my clothes too?

- Yup, and what is under then too. - He smile.

- You... - I try to think about something to say, but I don't think I can say something since everyone is more powerful than me.

- Don't get angry, he just like to make new people shy in the first time, but he is a nice guy. - Elizabeth touch my shoulder. - Let's go to the living room.

- I think she need to change her clothes first. - Stella comes close to me. - She can't go out like that.

- You are right, can you do this?

- Yeah. Let's go to my room, maybe I have some new clothes without blood on them.

- Blood? - I take a step back.

- Oh, don't worry about it, it's my blood. I need to use it in my experiments - She smiles at me and take my hand. - C'mon!

She take me to her room, I'm still holding my tablets. Her room kinda cute with a lot of plushies, all are animals, some bigger than other, the room is blue and has grass in some parts, it looks bigger than Elizabeth's room. There is a bookshelf and a closet close to the bed.

- Your room is...

- Cute? - She interrupt me. - I now, I'm good to hide my things, just don't touch the bookshelf or plushies or you will find things will not like it. - She smile to me. - Well, let me see what I have for you, close the door and don't let Marx in.

I close the door and go to her. She is looking her closet and putting clothes over her bed.

- Take something you like, you can put your tablets over the bed while change your clothes. Don't worry, I'm not interested in your things.

- Thanks for helping me. - I say smiling to her.

- No problem, just don't touch anything in my room and you will be safe, since you don't know how to use your powers properly you need to get careful.

Hydra - The Army of Undead Wielders - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now