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I wish
I wish for a better body
I wish for a better soul
I wish for a better heart
I wish for a better me
I wish for a different me

Everyone wishes for something
At least once
We wish for cars
For love
And lots of things that we think we can't accomplish

But there's a little part of us that thinks we can accomplish it
And we just don't want to accept it
We are afraid of being fouled
By our minds
And thats what we call faith

We all have faith in something
Or someone
We just have to know it
And give it life to let it live
And let it become true
That's why that little pice of our mind is there

To make it come true
The thing is that I have faith
In getting better
I know I have a problem
And I have faith that I will be better
I know

I don't think I have explained myself in this poem. I hope you understood what message I was trying to transmit.
Much love

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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