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They decided to meet the very next day to talk about Yein's family. Luckily making use of the information Moonbin's father gang got, they have a solution for their problems.

Jungwoo was already there when Moonbin arrived which made him to furrow both of his eyebrows, "You're early," He said as he took a sit on the usual couch.

Jungwoo, who was playing his phone, slowly lifted up his head and looked at the one who was talking to him, "I woke up early, that's why," He totally made a flimsy excuse when he's actually spending the night here. He would tell Moonbin the truth if Yein wasn't over here but since Yein still stay here, so let's maintain it as secret. However, he already decided that he would reveal to them about it when they go for holiday later.

Moonbin had shrugged his shoulders before he entered the kitchen to fill his stomach. He couldn't grab his breakfast before he comes here because his stepfather is at house and he's pretty sure he didn't want to get a glimpse of him. It will only cause trouble. He frowned when he looked at the trash bin, there are few cans of beer in it, "Did Yein drank last night?" Moonbin shifted his eyes on Jungwoo.

The latter gulped, clearing his throat, "I don't know," He answered stuttering. Jungwoo avoided the suspicious stare given by Moonbin as he pretended to watch the drama aired on television as of now. He knows he couldn't look into his eyes or the secret will be disclosed. Because Kim Jungwoo couldn't tell lie.

"I drank it yesterday," A girl's voice startled the two of them. Both of their eyes fell on the girl who appeared from behind of the door, "Why?" Yein raised both of her eyebrows as she looked at Moonbin and Jungwoo back and forth, "It wasn't weird right for me to have few cans of beer?" She asked in a low voice.

Yein then looked at Jungwoo and passed an assuring smile to him, as if she's saying it's okay, she could do the lie part for him, "Yes, it's not a big deal," Moonbin decided to just forced his thoughts away. He should put his trust on the others. If it's not them, who else he should trust?

Within few minutes of having the awkwardness around them, finally the lead characters arrived. The twin entered the house with a glare on each other, "I told you to wake me up in the morning!" Suji scolded Dongyeol for not waking her up so in result, they're late to be in this place.

"Excuse me; I did wake you up!" Dongyeol complained, absolutely couldn't agree with her statement, "You're the one who refused to wake up!" He pitched his voice up which is not something Dongyeol would routinely do unless he's extremely annoyed. And now he is with the girl beside him.

Suji stomped her legs before she went to the living room and slammed her body on the same sofa where Jungwoo sat, "Hey, girl, are you okay?" Jungwoo tucked in Suji's hair behind her ears as the girl crossed her arms and had her lips pouted.

She glared at Jungwoo and heaved out a sigh, "Nothing," Suji was literally soften when she saw Jungwoo was looking at her with a pair of concern eyes, and comforting smile. She could never handle Jungwoo alone. Never.

"So what's your plan?" Dongyeol asked as soon as he took a sit beside Yein. He could consider the girl allowed an anxious expression all over her face since she still had no idea what currently happen to her mother. Dongyeol slowly placed his hand on her hand that she put on her lap. Yein startled but turned her head just to see Dongyeol was having an assuring expression, "She will be fine," His warms word managed to make the Yein's lips curved slightly upwards.

Moonbin inhaled as much as oxygen he could before he released it to the atmosphere, "I will go and see Chanwoo," He revealed his plan and the only reaction he received at the moment was that everyone said no to his stupid statement.

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