"Where did your date go? Did he run off with his friends too?" you asked, snappier than usual.

"What? No! Henry went to get a drink," she replied, sounding almost offended that that's what you thought of Henry. "Oh, there he is now!"

Henry walked over holding a Red Solo cup in his hand, swishing the liquid around. He put his other arm around Tiffany and offered her his drink. She smiled and shook her head, declining his offer.

You adjusted the black mask resting on your nose and awkwardly blew air out of your mouth.

"I'm gonna go dance," you murmured, annoyed with their adorable relationship.

Tiffany nodded and started giggling flirtatiously with Henry as they strolled off towards the kitchen.

You walked over to the dance floor to find Grayson because you knew he would be coming to the party.

While searching, you saw someone who looked like Tyler. With so much on your mind, you were practically drunk without the alcohol. You ran over to him, squeezing through groups of people, and gave him a big hug.

"Hey babe, what are you doing over here on the dance floor? I thought you were in the kitchen hanging out with your friends."

He looked so confused and lost so you just kept talking, figuring he had just finished a game of "Mystery Pill" with his drug addicted group of friends.

"Wanna dance?" you asked.

His confusion turned to satisfaction and he smiled and took your hand. He led you onto the dance floor and twirled you around, making you giggle.

You danced around for a while, syncing moves like you were characters from a movie.

"Wow, I didn't know you were such a good dancer!" you exclaimed.

"Yeah I kind of taught myself."

His voice sounded different, way deeper than usual, but you figured it was because he had a few drinks.

"Really? I thought you said you hated dancing," you claimed.

"Um, oh yeah, I did but I figured, I'd, uh, I'd try it and I ended up enjoying it a lot," he faltered.

The slight hesitation was odd. You knew something was up but you couldn't quite put your finger on what it was.


As the night went on, Tyler slowly became a whole different person.

He was so much sweeter, he was caring and considerate of others, he didn't drink any alcohol, and he never needed a minute to go outside and smoke a cigarette like he usually did, but you liked it. Whatever happened to him from the moment you two walked in to now, you hoped it was permanent.

You and Tyler hung out all night which was something you'd never done before. As much as you enjoyed it, it was still uncomfortably strange.

You decided to question his change in demeanor, though you were extremely nervous that it would ruin that perfect night.


You both stood on the balcony, overlooking the large, beautifully landscaped backyard.

"Is something up?" you asked, not looking at him.

"No, why?"

"You seem... different tonight. Like a whole other person."

He sighed and cleared his throat. You were ready for some sort of explanation, but, instead, he changed the subject.

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