11: Clarity

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The atmosphere was still again. A chilly breeze occasionally blew through the trees causing the leaves to make a ruffling sound. Two lone figures stood on the sidewalk on that quiet side of the town.

Gouenji now turned to Kira, “So...when were you going to tell me everything?”

“Oh please, don’t act like I’m the only one hiding things here.” Kira retorted with a smirk.

“But you knew!” He argued.

“For just 12 hours!”

“So that was your popsicle?”

“You burned your hand in the sun?”

“Was there even a show about vampires?”

“You had no clue what those cupcakes tasted like, did you?”

“That covers just about everything I think.” Gouenji chuckled as he put his arm across Kira’s shoulders and they started to walk home.

“Oh wait!” He stopped after a couple of steps, “I don’t have a job either. I just fall asleep at my hideout.”

“You have a hideout?!” Kira looked up at him with a  dramatic gasp, “You lied to me?” She said with a dramatic exaggeration resulting in both of them laughing.


“Holyshit!This is amazing!” Gouenji exclaimed as he tried his first blood popsicle, “I can’t believe I never tried this before.”

“Because you weren’t being creative.” Kira commented as she enjoyed hers.

“What else can you make?” Gouenji asked eagerly.

“We’ll see. You’ve got a pretty good stash.” Kira replied, referencing to his collection at his hideout which they had picked up on their way home, as she finally enjoyed a blood popsicle.

They remained silent for a while enjoying the stress free atmosphere and each other’s company and of course, the popsicles. After a while Gouenji chimed,

“We should move. I’m bored of living here now.”

“You’re right! To a whole new set of adventures.” Kira said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“No! No more adventures!” Gouenji immediately cried out earning a laugh from Kira in response.

A/N: So here ends the adventure of this goofy vampire couple. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'll see you all in another book. Until then, bye!

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