4: Red

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Kira anxiously stared at Gouenji, which he didn't notice because he was still in deep thought about the previous night as they sat at the breakfast table, just like every other day. She reached out and put her hand on his over the table which startled him a little bit.

"Are you okay?" She asked. She couldn't understand what was the reason for him to act so strange ever since he fished out the popsicle stick. She couldn't even understand why and how did he find it in the first place. To her, it was quite bizarre.

Gouenji nodded and smiled.

"Can Kira really be behind this?" His mind then rewound to the previous evening when he had come home and she had kissed him. Now that he thought clearly about it, there was no denying her lips tasted of blood. But what were the odds that after staying by himself for God knows how long, the one he finally fell in love with also happened to be a vampire, as scarce as they were?

"What is he thinking about?" Kira wondered, "Why is he acting strange?Could it be that he picked up on the scent of blood?But how is it even possible?Of course, humans can't do that. Can it be that..."

Her thoughts were interrupted as Gouenji got up. It was the weekend so he had no excuses to make and go to his hideout. For this reason, he disliked the weekends as he had to try to stay up after pretending to sleep the whole night. But that day, he thought to use the time he had in quenching his curiosity.

As Kira got busy doing some chores, he took the daring initiative...of stepping outside. He put on the sunglasses to protect his eyes and staying in the shadows, close to the walls, he reached under the window to find out more evidence in the flower bed.


He found absolutely nothing there. As if he had dreamt the whole thing up. His eyes widened as he searched further, pushing the plants aside as their stems threatened to break.

Still nothing.

He searched for a good fifteen minutes before giving up finally. As he stood up he realized the sun had moved in the time he was searching and the shadows grew thinner. He panicked a little and pushed himself further towards the wall. He now walked sideways, as he made way back inside as soon as possible. He reached the door but just when he heaved a sigh of relief he somehow lost his balance and stumbled forward. Flailing his arms wildly in the air he made an attempt to regain his balance before he could hit the bright and hot ground and he succeeded too, but not before one of his hands partially made contact with the sunlight.

He hissed in pain as he quickly ran inside and closed the door behind him, as if sunlight was a monster actively chasing him.He carelessly tossed his sunglasses on the shelf right beside the door and clutched onto his hand tightly trying to bear through the pain. Kira saw this and approached him quickly. She gasped as she saw the wound.

"What happened?!!" She anxiously asked as she carefully took his hand in hers, examining the wound.

"It's nothing...I just slipped near the flower beds and cut my hand on the rose shrubs." He tried to brush it off.

"What do you mean it's nothing?!" She exclaimed and then making him settle down on the couch, she immediately fetched the first-aid kit and bandaged his hand neatly.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked softly after she finished.

"No I will just a watch a movie here." He answered, "Want to join me?"

"I wish but I have to finish my artwork." She said, giving him a kiss on his cheek and then moving upstairs.




Kira drew and deleted the lines in her artwork again and again as she tried to focus on her work but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't. Her mind went back to Gouenji again and again, how he said he ripped his hand against the thorns but she knew enough not to believe that. It looked like a burn, she was sure.

Half an hour passed, and Kira finally descended into the living room to check up on Gouenji. The movie was playing and he had laid down on the couch and dozed off long ago. Kira turned off the TV and glanced at the wall-clock. '12 PM' the clock indicated.

"Strange time for a human to fall asleep." Kira thought. She then dropped down onto the wooden coffee table in front of the couch, adjusting herself comfortably as she suspiciously glanced towards him alternating between his wounded hand and then his face, waiting for him to wake up. She didn't have to wait for long as just five minutes later Gouenji opened his eyes, and immediately gasped as he saw Kira frowning suspiciously at him.

"W-what are you doing?!" He exclaimed as he sat up, now being face to face with Kira.

"Nothing." She said as she stared into his eyes, deeply focused. She was looking for the subtle red tint a vampire's irises were supposed to have that wasn't visible at first glance but would be evident if a person were to look with great attention.

She came closer, the same frowning expression still lingering making Gouenji tense up and shift backward. In response, Kira came further close, her face mere inches from Gouenji's.

"Why is she staring at me like that? Is she trying to find the red in my eyes?Quick!Do something!Anything!She can't know just yet." He panicked.

The next moment, Kira was pulled into a passionate kiss. Her focus was completely broken and her thoughts dispersed like reflections in water when a pebble is thrown into it.

"That's not what I was going for but not complaining at all." She thought as she was lost in the moment.

"What was that for?" She shyly mumbled as she tried to control her breath, her head dizzy. Three years of dating and one year of married life had still not helped her heart from fluttering every time he came closer.

"Nothing." He smirked and she looked away, her face a blushing mess.

"I-I just came to check up on you and to see if you needed anything. I-I'm gonna go back to working." She said and quickly went upstairs.

Gouenji exhaled in relief as he watched her go. "Crisis averted."

"I can't believe that worked." He said to himself, smiling, remembering her blushing face and went back to sleep immediately after this thought.


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