From Somewhere Beyond

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The forest behind me was calm.

The only sound that nature made was the sound of the lake water splashing on the shore.

Beyond that everything was foggy.

Just like my memories.....


It wasn't my first mission. I was used to it.

Travelling through time, to make amends to the past, to fix the loopholes and to make sure the progression of events are not disturbed.

And especially, to not form any attachments.

That's all that a Time Agent does.

That's what I thought too...

...Until I met him.


A smile crept up on my sad face.

Cold wind blew around me. But somehow the memory of his smile and laugh brought back all the necessary warmth.


"I'm Kim Taehyung." He flashed a big, cheerful smile.

I raised an eyebrow. "Hello then..."

"You're the new trainee here?" He asked.

"Yes." Was my curt reply. That was my alias for now.

'Aishhhh this guy talks way too much.' I thought, irritated. 'Anyway I just got to do my job and-'

"Oh, and your name?" Taehyung asked curiously.

I was already dead tired from all the practice. Who knew 21st century people used to do a lot of work. All this made me cranky. And...

...I burst out. "Really? Do you have no work? Stop pissing me. I'm already tired."

Taehyung's reaction made me feel guilty. He looked very much apologetic and well...adorable.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

He was almost about to turn around and go when...

"N-no. I'm sorry." I spoke hurriedly. "I was only exhausted and-"

"-I kept pestering you?" Taehyung grinned. "In that case I'm sorry. And I got to treat you as an apology."

"What! No!" I exclaimed. I got to fix some things and go my way in a few weeks. I cannot spend my useful time having a meal with a stranger.

"Please?" He made a puppy-like face.

'Noooooooooo. You can't win like that mister.'

Taehyung had that cheesy grin on his face as we were eating lunch at a nearby restaurant.

"It's like a date!" He exclaimed happily, his mouth full of food.

"Shut it." I grumbled.


I was happy inside. It was the first time I've ever been asked out by someone. Genuinely.

It was a breath of fresh air.


" we fought again. But we talked about it and now everything's fine." Taehyung blabbered about another one of Bangtan's inner fights.

From Somewhere Beyond || A Taehyung One shot जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें