From the Ashes

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Mist hovered outside of the train station in the early morning. I checked my wristwatch for the time. It was only six-forty. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. I should've called the cabbie to come earlier. All I brought with me was a single brown suitcase and the clothes on my back. Here's to new beginnings...

I waited outside by the front for over an hour before I saw the little black cabbie slowly creep up to the station. I waved him on down towards my platform with a gracious smile. The driver was a skinny old man with a handlebar mustache. He gave me a friendly smirk when exiting the vehicle.

"Hope you didn't wait long Miss." The driver kindly took my suitcase and placed it in the trunk.

"Not at all, right on time." I pursed my lips.

The driver swung open the door to the backseat for me. I stepped in carefully trying not to snag my black heels in anything. Then he leaped back into the driver's seat and started up the engine.

"New to Birmingham Miss?" He asked while starting a cigar.

"Sort of."

"Sort of? What kind of answer is that.@ he chuckled.

"I've visited once before...long ago when I was but a kid." I gulped trying not to make eye contact in the mirror.

"Ah I see, well I hope you enjoy your stay." He suddenly jerked his cigar out of his mouth. "Sorry for being rude, what's your name?"

"Mamie, Mamie Burke."

"A family name?" He smiled. "I'm kidding with you kid, I'm Pat."

"It's an honor, Pat."

"I can say the same, it's not often I get sophisticated women like yourself up in these areas."

"Well, I actually just got a job at parliament."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I'm a secretary for a new MP." I pridefully straightened my back.

"I hope it's not for that Shelby fellow." Pat laughed taking another puff of his cigar. "A girl like you shouldn't be hanging around a man like that."

"Shelby?" I tilted my hat up.

"Oh yes, the Shelby's. They're a bunch of rough ones. They go by the Peaky Blinders around these parts. Well, I heard one of them got elected by the Labour Party. It's a real shame."

"Is that so." I tried seeming uninterested, but deep down the idea of figuring out who these Shelby's were, was eating at me.

"Promise me not to get too close around them honey, you're too sweet. A gal like you should hang with a gentleman."

"I'll certainly try."

For the rest of the ride, Pat went on about ghost stories that haunt the Birmingham area. Though not at all amusing, I laid attention in order to not fall asleep. He rambled on for about two hours when we finally made it to the address I phoned him about. It was was rugged looking, but home.

"Allow me," Pat opened the door. I stepped out in my green beaded dress. The streets were silent at nine in the morning. Not a single soul roamed the around. Pat handed me my suitcase.

"Thank you for your hospitality." I handed Pat a new bill and departed.

"You take care of yourself Miss Burke!" Pat Hillary's from his cabbie window as he noisily drove away.

This was it, my new life. I shyly snuck into the complex's lobby. The building smelt of freshly lit cigarettes and my grandmother's perfume. At the front desk were a few men dressed in sharply tailored suits. All had uniform haircuts, a clean undercut. The shorter blond one was discussing something with the teller. As I approached the check-in desk all three men turned to face me. I awkwardly smirked.

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