The Time Has Come 2

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Boruto: Sarada?

Sarada tears and feel joy inside her, that her dobe has been matured, and finally, marry her

Sarada: Yes, yes, and yes
Boruto: Thank you, Sarada
Sarada: I love you, Boruto-kun (hugs)
Boruto: I love you too, Sarada Uzumaki

Sarada subconsciously tears blood from her left eye, what happened?

Everyone being horrified about what they see, and Boruto realize why people looks surprised

Boruto: Your Sharingan, looks different!
Sarada: I don't care! What I care right now is you
Boruto: Sakura-san! look at her eye! It's tears blood! Take her to the hospital!
Sakura: Looks like you have awaken your Mangekyo Sharingan, at your left eye

???: Finally, my daughter has been proposed
Sarada: Papa!?!?
Sasuke: A Mangekyo can awaken from an Uchiha if they endure an extreme emotional pressure, like witnessing a loss of closest relation
Sarada: Huh? (sobs)
Sasuke: But, you are different, the first Uchiha in the world to awaken the Mangekyo because of joy, and yes, an unbearable joy and happiness is considered an extreme physchological condition

Sasuke: Are getting married by Boruto is your dream, Sarada?
Sarada: Yes, Papa
Sasuke: So.

the springfield is very quiet, only breeze of wind can be heard

Sasuke: Boruto, take care of my daughter, make your master proud!
Boruto: I will, Sasuke-san
Sasuke: Here's my sword, it's a keepsake from me, use it for good, and protect the village
Sasuke: And Sarada, take both of my eyes, use it for good, and train harder, Sarada

Before Sasuke takes his Rinnegan, he first create Amenotejikara, and he takes his Rinnegan, and give it to his daughter, and his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

Sarada: Where are you going?
Sasuke: I need to complete my mission
Sarada: Why you just stay here, Papa!
Sasuke: Sorry, Sarada, maybe next time
Sasuke: You have my Rinnegan, you can travel to many places, maybe we will meet again, Sarada Uzumaki

After the portal is closed, Sarada feels her eyes stinging, and blurred

Sakura: Sarada! let's go to the hospital!

Leaf Hospital

Sarada: Mama! Boruto! Why's so dark?
Sakura: Calm down Sarada, your eyes still bandaged, to implant your papa's eyes

After 2 hours of surgery, Sarada now can see
Her left eye feels very strange, it's like stinging every time, she picks a mirror

Sarada: Rinnegan?

Sakura: Sarada, because you need more training, you need to close your left eye
Sarada: How long the training I need?
Sakura: 2 years, you just need a Byakugou to control the Rinnegan

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