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As the days passed by, Justin never stopped on bragging about Harry should confess to Zayn which led Nicole to be suspicious.

Nicole surely has no romantic feelings for the older lad, Zayn. She's just happy to have someone new in her circle of friends.

She's not dumb to not feel something going on between Harry and Zayn. At least, she thought.

Whenever Zayn has classes for the kids in the common room, the three are there to assist him and to watch him.

"I think now's the right time, Harry." Nicole heard Justin whispered to Harry that day when they were sitting outside the common room, waiting for Zayn to finish the class.

"Will you stop pestering me? It'll never happen." Harry whisper yells, looking so pissed.

"Okay, stay single forever." Justin shrugged. Nicole grinned at herself and she decided to have a talk to Zayn.


"So, how do you like living here so far?" Nicole asked Zayn that afternoon when they're hanging out on the beach.

"I'm getting used to it by now. But I'm still missing my life out there." Zayn motioned on the farthest ocean.

"It's normal," Nicole said, playing with the white sand beneath them.

"I want to ask you something." Nicole started, hiding her giddy smile.

"Go on," Zayn said.

"Do you, you know... miss your girlfriend?" She asked hesitantly.

"Of course. Everything about her. It's been months. Wonder if she's crying every night. Thinking if I had died from drowning." Zayn sighed, a look of longing for someone could be seen on his eyes.

"No offense, Zayn. But... let's be real here." Nicole trailed off.

"It's been months, right. What if, she had moved on? What if she's seeing someone else now? What if they accepted, or concluded that you are dead? I mean, of course, your family will search for you. They did for sure. But, knowing this island, so far away from civilization..." Nicole looked at Zayn to see if he's getting her point.

Zayn chewed his bottom lip as he thought of what Nicole said. Clearly, she's right at every point.

"You really are Harry's friend," Zayn mumbled with a weak smile. Nicole smiled proudly.

"So, will you stop living your life? I mean, will you stop your heart to beat for someone else?" Nicole asked.

Zayn frowns. "Why are you asking me that question?"

Nicole shrugged grinning. "Nothing. I'm just telling you that, don't trap yourself with love from the past. Today is the most important day, Zayn."

"Live while we're young." She added, smiling widely.

Zayn chuckled and thought of everything with a heavy sigh. Everyone's right. He's here for a reason.

And that reason is the one he's going to find out.

"You know what, I'm starting to think that this ocean, is the Pacific Ocean," Nicole mumbled.


"Yeah. Look how big it is. I don't exactly know. I was born here. Mum died when she gave birth to me." Nicole admitted sadly.

"Sorry about that."

"It's okay. I got dad with me, but only for a few years though. He died too, from depression." She added.

"Elders took me in. And they say that I'm lucky if we were in the Pacific Ocean. Because the Philippines is just right there." Nicole said.

"You're a Filipino?" Zayn asked and Nicole nodded.

"But what's the use of going home there? I have no one with me." She mumbled.

Zayn realized, Nicole has no family either here but managed to live happily with the people around here. So he thought, he should do the same.

Live and be happy. But of course, not fully forgetting about who he is.

"Do you think, someone will like me here?" He asked making Nicole giggle.

"Why?" He asked again curiously.

"Believe me, Zayn. There is someone." Nicole smiled knowingly, patting Zayn's shoulder before leaving him on the shore.

"Who?" Zayn asked himself.

A/N: Someone please tell Zee. I can't. 😂

+Short, but meaningful, right? Yeah.

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