The Next Day

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Magnus woke up to the sound of snickering and what sounded like a camera snapping pictures, which was odd. As he became more and more aware of his surroundings, he felt Alex still pressed up against him, still male from yesterday, and Mallory and Halfborn standing nearby with a phone. So Magnus, being a good guy, very quietly extracted himself from Alex's arms, to which he sleep-grumbled angrily to, and, very quietly, chased them both out while waving Jack at them. Needless to say, he did NOT want them to wake him up. Once he was through with that, he closed the door to the room and marched himself back into the bedroom. 

Alex, however, was already awake, and smiled at him sleepily as Magnus walked back in the room. "Hey Maggie... what was that about?"

"Oh, you know, Mallory and Halfborn," he said, to which Alex nodded. Apparently he needed no further explanation other than that. 

"Can we cuddle more?" Alex asked, pouting at him. Magnus was surprised.

"Y'know, I didn't peg you as the cuddle-y type. More like the... visciously-pin-against-the-wall-and-make-out-with type," he said, as he climbed back into Alex's arms.

"Well..." Alex leaned in close and whispered in Magnus's ear. "We can do that too if you want~"

Magnus took this moment to close his eyes and reconsider his life choices. "Alex..." he said, slowly and carefully. "Please don't whisper in my ear like that again. It's not good for my health."

Alex pouted. "Fiiiiiine... But can we keep cuddling?" Magnus responded by pulling her tighter against him. They sat there like that for a while, silently playing with each other's hair. Long enough to where Magnus didn't suspect anything when Alex moved his hands to his sides. It was almost the perfect crime, until Alex giggled.

Magnus looked at her confused. "What's so funny?" That's when he noticed her hands. "Alex, don't you dare!"


"Alex, I swear-"


"Alex- ALEX NO!" He began relentlessly tickling Magnus, causing him to wriggle and flail violently, trying to throw him off. Alex was practically straddling him, however, and no matter how hard he tried, Magnus couldn't throw him off. "ALEX!" he choked out between laughs. "St-stop! Can't... breath!"

Alex finally decided to show mercy, stopping his tickle attack on him. Suddenly, Alex realized the position they were in.

Magnus's shirt has ridden up, exposing his muscular Einherjar chest.

Alex was straddling Magnus.

Both their faces were flushed red from laughing.

And Alex had an intense urge to kiss him.

Apparently Magnus had the same idea, as they both started to lean forward at the same time, Magnus sitting up to meet him halfway.

And then everything went wrong at once.

First, Sam decided to pay Alex a visit, since neither him nor Magnus had been at breakfast, and opened the door to the near-kiss. Second, they realized that the blanket they had previously been sleeping under had fallen down so that it only covered their waists, which meant Sam had no idea whether or not they had pants on. And finally, when Sam opened the door, Magnus lurched in surprise from the sudden noise, causing them both to bounce on the bed, and, consequently, on each other. Needless to say, Samirah's innocence was ruined.

Her face went through about 20 shades of red in 3 seconds as she yelped and turned straight into a wall. "G-guys! What in the Helheim!?!? Lock the door!" As Sam ran out, Alex heard something that sounded vaguely like "Use protection."

Alex turned to Magnus. "I have to go."

Magnus nodded. "I figured."

As Alex ran out after Sam, he slumped back on the bed. "Hel, that man is going to kill me!" Magnus looked down, a little embarrassed now that he was gone. "I need a cold shower..."


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