''C'mon, Greenie. We're not done yet.'' Gally said, standing above him.

''Stop calling me Greenie.''

''Stop calling you that?" Gally mocked. ''What do you want to be called? Shank? What do you think boys? Does he look like a Shank?"

Eliza and Minho were the only two who remained silent during the game. Frankly, she didn't find this game fun at all.

The Greenie ran towards Gally and they both struggled for the upper-hand. But Gally was able to toss him to the sand anyway.

''You know what? I think I've settled on shank.'' Gally smirked.

The Greenie aimed for his waist this time, and when Gally was pushing him back, he let go and Gally fell forward.

The Greenie stood up, brushing the sand from his clothing. ''Not bad for a Greenie, huh-''\

Gally had swiped his leg underneath the Greenies, sending him to the ground and smacking his head. The Greenie let out a loud groan, before his eyes widened for a second.

''Thomas,'' He muttered before standing up quickly. ''Thomas, hey! Thomas! I remember my name, I'm Thomas!''

Alby pointed his finger towards the male, ''Thomas!''

All the Glader's jumped in and began cheering for the boy.

Frypan handed Thomas a jar of Gally's gross liquid. ''Welcome home, Thomas.''

Eliza droned out the yelling and cheering they gave the boy. She wanted to be happy for Thomas, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She wasn't going to let Alby know he gave her a familiar feeling. The boys would lose their minds over it.

The celebration was cut short when the mechanical groaning sounds screeched from the maze. The Grievers were out, and they were the most ugly and terrifying things to ever encounter. Eliza could remember when she first saw one through one of the dusty windows that showed what was inside the maze.

''What the hell was that?" Thomas asked.

''That, my friend, was a Griever. Don't worry, you're safe here with us. Nothing gets through those walls.'' Gally explained.

Alby sucked in a breath, ''Alright everyone, let's tuck it in for the night. Come on, it was a good night.''

Eliza walked past Thomas and put her small hand on his chest, ''Don't worry, I wont tell anyone.'' Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Thomas watched the female walk away, and he couldn't help but feel she had some sort of hold on him.

* * *

Eliza was doing a supplies check when she heard screaming coming from the Glade. She ran outside and saw that Ben was chasing Thomas, and he had tackled Thomas to the ground. She ran as fast as she could down there.

Ben had his hands wrapped around Thomas' throat when Newt had slammed his shovel over Ben's head.

About six or more Glader's had to hold the thrashing boy down.

''Calm down, Ben.'' Gally said calmly, holding him down.

''What the hell happened?" Frypan yelled.

''He just attacked me!'' Thomas gasped, his hands running over his throat.

Eliza took in Ben's appearance, and he looked like hell. His skin was a ghastly greyish color, and his eyes and mouth looked irritated and red outlined them. Blood covered a part of his shirt, and his eyes looked wild and crazy.

Alby pushed his way towards the front, and Ben's eyes widened as he spoke. ''No . . . no . . . ''

''Alright. Lift his shirt.'' Alby commanded.

When they lifted his shirt, Eliza covered her mouth and gasped. A Griever had stung Ben in his stomach. The blackish veins coated the area, and was spreading across his body.

''No . . . no! Please, please.'' Ben pleaded.

''He's been stung,'' Gally said, looking at Newt and Eliza. ''In the middle of the day?''

''Help me, please. Please, help me.'' Ben whispered in agony.

''Take him to the pit.'' Alby said sternly.

''Everybody, help. Take him to the pit.'' Gally said, looking at the boys to help him.

Eliza stood forward and helped pick up his head. He was thrashing around wildly in everyone's grip that almost made Eliza drop his head. His pleas had only become louder and louder as he begged for someone to help him.

It was only later that Alby came to her and had said they planned on banishing Ben at sundown.

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