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Three years. Three years that Eliza has been stuck in this maze, waiting for the Runners to find a way out of this hell hole. The glade had grown extremely large with males, and she was the only female.

Eliza felt like she had multiple older siblings such as Alby, Minho, Newt and even Gally. They were all very protective of her, and Gally had even built her a room for herself. She was one of the original Gladers. She had been there since the dark days, when no rules were established. Then Alby took over the leadership role and everything has been perfect since then.

Alby had a soft spot for Eliza, if he wanted to admit it or not. Gally had one for her too. Eliza was a Med-jack, and technically she is the Keeper. She was an amazing Med-jack, and always cared carefully for the Gladers. When it's not busy, she'll walk around and make sure everyone is drinking water and taking breaks.

As Newt always says, she had a big heart.

Eliza was currently wrapping the arm of one of the Builders. ''See me tomorrow so I can change the bandages. If the swelling doesn't go down it's probably an infection so you'll need antibiotics.''

The Builder's name was Chase and he nodded. ''Thank you,''

Eliza watched as he got up and left and sighed. Jeff and Clint came through the door, staring at her. ''We got this place covered for the day, you can take the rest of the day off.'' Clint suggested.

Eliza smiled softly at the boys. ''I'm the Keeper and I swear you guys act more in charge than I do.''

The female stood up and headed out towards the door.

''Oh,'' Clint started, ''If you're looking for Newt, he's in the gardens.''

The mention of Newt's name made her heart flutter and her cheeks rise in color.

* * *

The sun was beaming outside, and it was sticky. Ella waltzed down the Glade, to see Newt working in the gardens.

Newt was picking weeds, his hands coated in dirt and grime. Sweat was dripping off his forehead as he picked the weeds.

''You smell like fertilizer,'' Ella chuckled.

Newt looked up and smiled at the female. ''Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Ella shook her head and smiled genuinely, ''Clint and Jeff told me to relax, actually.''

Newt laughed and continued grabbing the weeds, ''You're the Keeper, not them.''

''I know, but I don't mind.''

She bent down and began helping Newt with the weeds, her small fingers grasping the pesky plants. She placed the weeds into a basket and she looked at Newt. ''Newt, you look exhausted. Take a break.''

Newt shook his head at Eliza. ''I'm okay I can do this.''

''Newt, please. Go get some water from Fry, it's hot out.''

Newt stood up and looked at Eliza. ''I don't need your help, I said I'm okay.''

Eliza stood up, hurt that he would say that to her. She shoved the basket into his hands. ''Fine. I'll stop bothering you then.''

''Eliza-'' Newt tried, reaching for her arm.

Eliza ducked out of his reach and stormed past him, not even casting him a second glance. Newt watched her walk away, not knowing why he had snapped at her.

Zart leaned against his gardening tool, watching the scene unfold. ''Ouch. You better apologize. You acted like a slinthead.''

Newt sat the basket on the ground and went to find Eliza. When he finally did find her, she was sitting in the kitchen with Frypan. Because Newt didn't want to be discovered, he hung back for a second.

''I don't know Fry, he just snapped at me.'' Eliza said, leaning her head onto her hand.

Frypan was making desserts for the Gladers, ''He's just stressed. Second-in-command is a hard job. I don't envy that shank.''

Eliza pushed her bangs away from her forehead and sighed deeply. ''He's been so snappy lately ever since . . . y'know. Even to me. I feel like I'm buggin' him. Making it worse.''

''Eliza, you have the biggest heart out of all of us. You caring about all of us isn't buggin'. We would tell ya if it did.''

''I care a lot for him, I don't know what do.''

''Let the shank cool down, you shanks never stay mad at each-other. I think it's impossible for you two.''

Before Eliza could continue, the blaring Greenie alarm had gone off, making her jump. ''Damn, I'll be back.''

Eliza walked out the door and had bumped into Newt, who had a shocked look on his face. Eliza's cheeks had turned pink and she looked at him. 'We'll talk later.'' She yelled over the Greenie alarm.

Eliza jogged to the Box that sat in the middle of the Glade. Almost every Glader was crowded around, to see the arrival. Gally and Alby stood proudly upfront, towering over everyone. Frankly, this was her favorite time, because later there would be a bonfire to welcome the Greenie.

Eliza pushed herself forward peering over the shoulders of Alby and Gally. The top of the Box opened, to show a pudgy short boy with curly hair. He looked totally terrified, and he reminded her of when she first came up in that rusty trap.

The boy looked at her with terror in his eyes, and he had sweat dripping off of him. She gave him a reassuring smile, ''Alby, Gally, help him up please.''

The boy was surprised when the two boys complied, helping him up. He was short, and had freckles coating his face. He stood petrified and ridged, not moving at all. It was quiet and Eliza held her hand out, ''I'm Eliza, do you remember your name?"


Eliza could imagine all of the questions Chuck was dying to ask, but he was probably so terrified he couldn't ask. Chuck stared at the female, and saw that her smile was genuine, and she meant him no harm.

''Well, Chuck, welcome to the Glade.''

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