I turned my eyes up to him. 'Yes Jake I'm free.' Leo took his headphones off. 'Els don't you remember we have to work on something,' said Leo.
'No I don't.' I replied instantly amused by the Leo's irritated tone.
'Yes we have to,'
'No it's not. I'm totally free.'

'Ok guys stop! We can,' Jake halted us. 'We can make plan for tomorrow. Is that right?'

'Still not.' Leo mumbled while again putting his headphones on. Jake presented to ignore him and looked at me. It had been so long since I had had a talk with him so I said yes. Jake smiled at my answer and Leo groaned. Just as Jake opened the door to go to his house, he found a smart, cute brunette standing uncomfortably in her high heels and kept pushing her dress down to cover her knees but apparently it was too short. She waved at Jake who nodded and stepped out.

I moved towards the door. 'Is that Ms.Elsa Stone?' She asked in her modulus voice.

'That's right. Who are you?' I inquired. At my question she simply showed me a little crescent  tattoo on the back of her neck. 'Come in,'  I told her after ensured that she was valid to come in.

She obeyed and clumsily walked in. 'Marie has wished to see you.' She said.

'You could just give me a call then. Why bother coming here?' I asked rather annoyingly.

'Oh, to give you lift of course.'
'Hello ms Zoe!' I called out at Ms Zoe who was tiredly checking my some files but she managed to gave me a smile.
I walked almost easily to Marie's office. Please God don't let me mess anything.

I stopped in from of her office. Maybe I should retreat . I opened the door just halfway to hear whom Marie was shouting at. But the voice I heard wasn't of Marie's, it was of someone Else. 'I think Marie you should stop doing this. You know it will hurt you.'

'It will protect her.'  Marie said.

'It can even kill you!'

'I'm sorry Madi. I didn't wish to interrupt you but I reckon we have a visitor.' Marie said calmly. 'Come in Elsa.'

Guilted at my eavesdropping, I walked in. De. Madison was already on her feet. She gave me a smile. 'Hello dear,' she greeted. 'I'm sorry I'll have to go. I hope I'll see you soon.' She said and left the room closing the door behind her.

Marie was sitting on her hair. Her desk was clean and no file, or no papers were spread around. She was just as beautiful as she was before. Her hair were tied back in a low bun, a blue suit covered her body and an elegant watch wrapped it's straps around her wrist. she beamed at me and I somehow managed to smile back. 'Have a seat please,' she offered.

I sat on the chair where I've always sat. 'What was she talking about?' I asked her as I thought hiding my eavesdropping would be of no use.

'Oh nothing. Just here and there,' she replied waving her hand freely in the air and she sat back on her chair.

'Then what about that kill thing?' I queried half expecting her to answer my question. She looked studied me for a while but then her eyes moved to something behind me.

'I don't think you are ready to know everything.' She said calmly.

'Why not? I'm ready for everything.' I replied enthusiastically. My enthusiasm brought a smile on her face yet the gleam in her eyes was still missing.

'Half knowledge is no less than ignorance,Elsa.' She said wisely and stood up. She walked up to her rack of files and searched for a particular one.

I rolled my chair to her side and straightened my posture. 'What do you mean?' I asked.

I heard her soft chuckle but she remained silent. 'Let's get to the reason I requested you here.' She changed the topic instantly and I decided not to push it. At last she found the file she had been looking for. She took it out and threw it on the table. 'Why did you interrogated Matthew without any warrant?' She asked.

My stomach did a funny jolt at her question. 'Um... I...' I struggled to find words for the reason I got in there without any warrant.  'He is one of Hades sectator so ...

'Did you have any proof?' She asked. 'Did you believe only two control room operators who could barely speak without crying that Matthew is a sectator?'

'I ... they were receiving phone calls and ...' I hid the part of the threatening of not to tell me. 'He attacked me also when I was trying to catch him.' I finally blurted out. I had no proper reason for doing what I did. My frustration was all I had over me and my anger over Dave.

'Hmm... that's something understandable but it could be that he was afraid that you could hurt him.'She asked and sat on the chair. She leans back and glanced over me.

'I...' I was speechless. Her questions were really something I could answer. But fury started boiling in me like a volcano. She wasn't believing me and I had could not prove it. Why did I do all that? What made me doubt him at first place? I had no answer. I simply looked down at my hands which were sweaty and fidgeted with my fingers.

'I don't doubt that you accidentally caught a team mate of your opponent but Elsa your improper investigation led you to that mess. You trusted only two boys and went to make sure that their invalid information was right. You almost got yourself killed.' She told me but I didn't dare look up. I never thought about what I just did. 'I have been training you for a whole year and I never expected this silly mistake from you. I expected rather a intelligent move from you. Alas,you ruined my expectations.'

'I'm fine.' I murmured.

'Do you even realise how badly do Hades want you?'I looked up instantly. 'The other half of the stone, do you know if he'll get a glimpse that it's in your possession , he'll cross every limit to get it. And you are giving him chances to confirm his guesses .'She said.

'Can't I throw it somewhere?' I asked her. 'The stone. Can't I throw it away or something and then there'll be no trouble.' I said coolly and shrugged.

'It chose you. You can't just throw it.' She corrected. 'However protect is a considerable term.'

'Protect? Why would I protect a damn stone. And what is all that choose and stuff ?' My voice grew louder and sounded harsh then I meant it to.

'Do you reckon it's an ordinary gemstone? The gemstone is capable of its own choice. It can choose its master and whom should it give its  power. And if you have it then you have to protect it.'She said and I sat back.

'If it can chose it's master, it means it chose to give its power to Hades?'

'Could be .' She replied instantly and opened a file she took from the rack.

'But isn't this gemStone would always choose nice people and nice things?' I knew my question was stupid and so it brought a smile on her face which , from inside made me merrier.

'A stone will only give its power to one who'll use it right. Maybe Hades is using it righteously for himself.'

'It's wrong! He can wipe out the whole world and still that damn stone would empower him! It's hella wrong!'

I blurted out. She didn't seem to be stun at all. She was cool and calm.

'Language Elsa.' She made me quite. 'That is why I want you to use it and protect it. If a stone can give its power, then its other half won't resist too.' Her tone became impatient and I knew she was trying to play it cool.

Her statement had repeatedly going in my mind. I felt a responsibility over my shoulders. 'Why didn't it go for you?' I asked the question that I wanted to ask at very first.

She smiled at my question and closed the file. She  looked up. Her brown eyes gleamed as she said. 'Oh it did. I just passed it on.'


Hello readers! So what do you think about the chapter? Do think it was Elsa's fault of choosing her anger over intelligence? What do you reckon would happen next?

Just comment down below and don't forget to vote and share as it always makes my day.

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