Chapter 9

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Niall thankfully hadn't pried after I didn't tell him what was going on. He knew there was something I was keeping from him, though. Things weren't quite right between us afterwards. He was distant and not as talkative as usual. He left earlier than he normally would; we'd usually spend whole Saturdays together or with Luanne and Liam.

I suppose I was also kind of distant as well. I kept checking my phone every 10 minutes to see if I had gotten a text from Harry. He hasn't bothered to contact me at all today and it made me wonder whether I made the right choice in giving him a chance to explain himself. If he wasn't going to make an effort to even apologize then what was the point?

Niall left after he noticed that my mind wasn't really here today. I wasn't as fun as always and I guess it was obvious that something was bothering me.

A short while after Niall left, I got a call from someone. I practically flew across my bed to get my phone from my bedside table. I looked at the caller ID and my heart sunk. It wasn't Harry. How long was he going to take to call me? Was he even planning to apologize?

The caller was my manager calling to ask me if I could come into work today. Someone that had a shift today had a family emergency and won't be able to make it. Going to work was the last thing I wanted to do on a Saturday. I would much rather stay home watching a Nicholas Sparks movie with a pot of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, sulking over my wrist. I wasn't a sulker but when your boyfriend almost breaks your wrist and then doesn't call you, you'll kind of want to sulk. I'm so pathetic. 

I agreed to replace my coworker and regretted it after my boss told me that I had to go at 4. That was in an hour. I'd have to start getting ready now if not I'd be late.

After I hung up, I thought about calling Niall to come back to drive me to work. He was probably still close because he couldn't have left more than 10 minutes ago. I didn't call him, though. The tension between us from earlier helped me decide against it.

I quickly got dressed in my uniform and a long sleeve shirt under my polo. My wrist wasn't a problem so far. As long as I kept it covered, everything was fine. I could use my left hand but just not to pick up anything heavy.

I snapped a ponytail in place and headed downstairs with my large purse and keys in hand.

"Dad, I'm going to work," I called out as I walked down the stairs. 

"Why? You don't have to work today," he said from the living room. 

"Yeah, but they called me to see if I could go in to replace someone."

"Ah, alright," he stood up from the couch and walked over to me. "You want me to drive you there?"

I shook my head. "No, I kinda just want to walk and think for a little bit." I looked at my phone to make sure I still had time to walk and make it on time. 

"Okay, call me if you need anything." He gave me a big bear hug, almost crushing my wrist in the process. 

I shot him a small smile, trying to not show the pain, and walked outside. I shifted my purse higher up on my shoulder and got ready for the three block walk to Menchies.

I walked mindlessly, knowing the route by heart from all the times I've walked there. I have got to get my restricted. I was practically the only senior who didn't have her license yet. I knew how to drive almost perfectly but I just never bothered to go and take the test. 

As I walked, my mind wandered to Harry. I coudn't go 10 minutes without thinking about him. And they weren't nice thoughts. I don't know what happened yesterday that made him do that to me. I never thought he would hurt me but obviously I was wrong. He was so kind and caring and yesterday I saw a side of him that I didn't know he had. 

Out of Time (One Direction AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora