Heat Wave | Kurosaki Ichigo X Reader

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"What is wrong with you!" You scolded yourself out loud, remembering that Ichigo was your roommate and your friend. You blamed your inappropriate thoughts on the blaring heat. That was probably what was screwing with your libido. You did hear that intense thermal energy was a potential cause of sexual arousal. You clicked your tongue and lifted yourself onto your feet, grunting in the process due to the dazed state you were in.

Yeah, that's it. I'm too dazed and it's making it hard to think straight.

You stretched your limbs as you eased your mind from overloading, and pulled one bent arm behind your head by the elbow with the hand of your other arm and vice versa-- then you stretched your legs and your back. You brought your hand up to your mouth and attempted to stifle a yawn, but it escaped anyway. Your mouth stretched and it forced it's way out with little effort.

"This heat is making me tired." You breathed out and placed your hands in your pockets. You began rocking your sock-covered feet on the hardwood, shifting from heel to toe over and over again, becoming impatient and trying to force your brain into thinking of something other than Ichigo's partially naked body. You groaned in frustration before you heard the doorknob turn and click.

You jolted, startled by the sound and snapped your head to the door as Ichigo walked in with two bottles in his hand. "I found them, sorry did I startle you?" He asked, a sheepish smile quirking at the right side of his lips.

"Yeah, you did." You chuckled and rubbed the back of your head. He shrugged and held a bottle out to you. You swiped it from his grasp and began removing the cap. "Thanks" you expressed your gratitude for his offer. You finished unscrewing the cap and brought the bottle to your lips, letting cold liquid spill over your tongue and slide passed your throat. Ichigo opened his bottle as well and followed suit.

You both removed the bottles and gasped as the air entered your lunges once again. You sighed in relief and looked at Ichigo, who was looking at you similarly. You rubbed the back of your neck and prepared to clear your throat, but Ichigo spoke before you could break the silence.

"So uh, calculus?" He tried to push you into getting some work done. You really we're not feeling calculus. Your body was too drained, too sensitive, too sticky, and your brain wasn't in the right state for something like calculus.

"Actually um, can we do it later?" You asked, looking him in the eye. He paused as he read the look you were giving him.

"Uh, sure." his eyes shifted to the pile of printed documents scattered on the floor. "Anything you want to do until then?" He looked into your eyes again for an answer. You thought for a moment, trying to come up with an answer. Unfortunately, there was only one thing you wanted at the moment, and whether it was the heat that was at fault or not, it was too unbearable to not give it a try.

You took a deep breath and walked toward Ichigo until you came to a stop right in front of him. His eyes widened a bit at your proximity, which was a little too close. Instead of actually saying anything, you made it clear what you wanted with a bold course of action.

Ichigo yelped as you pulled his face down by his neck and pressed your lips against his fiercely. It turned to beat red, reacting to the sudden advancement. He stood still, acting as though he didn't know what to do, or how to process that you were kissing him. You forwardly moved your lips, in an attempt to egg him on-- hoping to get something out of it. You were also prepared for the other option of being turned down.

Fortunately, as you wanted, Ichigo's hand tickled the skin on your Jaw and placed itself on your neck. His own lips began enjoying your own in return, deepening the kiss eagerly. Though he revealed to have little experience with his mouth, he made up for it with a fervent hunger. The way he explored your mouth with blind curiosity forced enthusiastic jolts and tickling sensations to overtake your sticky, overheated body. It was a little overbearing. He was attacking your lips like a baby consuming its first meal, so you pulled away and asked him to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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