Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Tony

I yawn and stretch my arms as I roll off my bed. School is so annoying.

I drag myself into the bathroom and get ready.

I decide to just wear a random oversized black hoodie that goes up a little past mid thigh to me, it had some black and white design at the back. I think I found it yesterday laying around in some room when I was cleaning. It's most likely Tyler's or Liam's. I wore adias shorts under it and tied my wavy hair into a high ponytail letting my side bangs out.

I put in a little bit if mascara today and pink lip balm. I made my way downstairs to see Tyler and Alec on the couch eating pancakes and laughing.

How does Alec manage to get ready and come to my house before I go downstairs.

It's probably because I take long ass showers.

"Good morning guys" I say walking past them to go get my pancakes.

They had their mouths full of pancakes so I heard kind if a good morning from them.

I ate my breakfast and sat with the boys to wait for Liam to join us. When he came we all left for school.

We met up with Nick when we got there. Liam and Tyler went their way to class and Me and Alec went our way and Nick and Aaron went there's.

Before we went our separate ways Nick said to me that he'll see me later and smiled at me.

"Woah I don't think I've ever seen Nick smile at you" Alec says with a laugh.

"Woah neither have I, until now" I say with a laugh.


I walk into class and find Nick in his seat on his phone. With his annoying ass book bag on my desk. I hate when he leaves his damn book bag on my desk.

"Hey" I say as I take my book bag off and put it under my desk.

Nick looks away from us phone to look at me and smiles, "hey"

Is he seriously this clueless?

I slide his book bag off my desk and onto the floor. I then take my seat next to Nick.

"Damn you could've just told me" Nick says dragging his bag under his desk.

"A person with common sense would've moved it without having to say it" I say.

"Whatever" Nick says then he smirks.

I furrow my brows "what?"

"Your wearing my hoodie" Nick says.

"This is yours?" I ask "can I wear it?"

"You already are, so there's no point in asking" Nick says with a laugh.

"Okay good cause I'm not really wearing any other shirt under" I say.

Nick smirks "damn good to know"

I give him a disgustedly look "shut up."

Nick was about to say something but the bell cut him off and the teacher walked in.

Most of the kids weren't here because they were on some field trip to Europe or something. I forget which class it was for, I'm pretty sure it was a foreign language.

Anyway, so the teacher has us do some extra credit project.

"Work with your assigned partners, if your partner isn't here find someone without one, there is an even amount of students in this class right now" the teacher says passing out papers.

My BullyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora