Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Nick

I glare at Tony who starts angrily walking away from us for no damn reason. Whay the fuck was she acking like that? What the hell did I do?! I just fucking saved her ass from falling into the damn lake!

I pick up her phone and earbuds she left on the ground.

"What the hell just happened?" Tyler asks confused.

"Yeah, why she mad?" Harry asks looking back at Tony.

"I don't fucking know, she's always like this" I say and hold out Tonys phone to Tyler so he could give it back to her. Tyler was about to take it but Liam stops him.

"Let Nick give it back to her" Liam says.

"Why?" I ask annoyed.

"You two are always fucking mad at each other, it's annoying as hell" Liam says.

"That's true" Tyler comments.

"Give her, her phone back and find out why she's mad at you and fix this shit" Liam says.

"No, what are you a fucking psychologist? Why do you keep making is do this shit?" I ask even more annoyed.

"Cause you two need it" Liam says.

"Yeah, you two are so fucking annoying, I don't want to deal with you guys when I have to drive you home" Tyler says.

I let out an annoyed sigh, "Tyler your really going to let me talk to your sister, alone"

"Dude don't try that on me, you guys hate each others guts, I don't have to worry about anything" Tyler says "now go and fix your shit"

I roll my eyes at the situation I'm put in. That's how much I am annoyed right now, that I rolled my damn eyes, I hate when people do that.

As I walk around to find Tony I think back at when I saved her from falling into the lake a few moments ago. I didn't want to stop holding on to her, she felt perfect in my arms.

It got me so mad to get pushed away that I found myself glaring at her as she walked away from me. My heart was beating so fast as I held onto her I cringe at the thought of her hearing my heart beat. Did she? Fuck.

I was so lost in thought thinking of Tony that I almost ran into a tree. "Oh shi-" I stop myself from cursing when I hear a sniffle coming from the other side of the tree. I peek around to see who it was and I find Tony hugging her knees with her head burried in her arms sobbing. My heart dropped seeing her like this.

I kneel down infront of her and put my hand on her shoulder, "Tony?"

Tony picks her head up to look at me and her eyes go wide, "get away from me!"

Tony tries to get up but I keep her sitting infront of me. "Stop trying to run away from me"

"Why?! I don't want to be near you!" Tony says trying to get up but I keep her down.

"Please Tony" inplead not knowing what to say.

"Why'd you come looking for me?" Tony asks putting her head down to hide her tears.

"You left your phone" I say handing it to her.

Tony glares at me and snatches her phone out of my hand, "if that's thats the only reason you came you could leave now"

"Why are you crying?" I ask.

Tony whipes her tears away, "I'm not crying"

When Tony whiped her tears away new ones streamed down her face. I move my hands from her shoulders to her face to whipe her tears.

"Don't touch me" Tony says moving her face away from my hands.

I get mad from hearing her say that agin to me. "Why are you always like this with me?! Didn't we make up already?! Make up your damn mind!"

"You have no right to say that to me?! I thought we did make up but your the one who can't make your damn mind!" Tony yells back at me. "What did  I ever do to you?!" Tony starts to break out crying, "why have you always bullied me when I've done nothing to you?!"

I stare at Tony guilty for what I do to her. If I tell her, I don't know how I'll feel, she hates my guts of course she wouldn't feel the same way I do. But if I don't tell her she'll continue to hate me mlre amd more. I don't think I can take that anymore.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"Sure you are" Tony says.

"No, I'm really sorry" I say.

"Your great at saying things you don't mean" Tony says wiping her tears away. My heart hurts every time I see a tear stream down her face.

"Stop saying I don't fucking mean it cause I actually do!" I say angrily.

"I don't believe you and I never will!" Tony argues.

"You really want to know why I always bully you?!" I say not taking it anymore "cause I like you Tony"

Tony stares at me with wide eyes, I didn't think she'd believe me.

"I've liked you since the first day I met you, I just didn't know it" I continue "and when I did, I didn't know how to tell you or deal with it"

I wanted to keep going but I didn't know how to explain it to her, there is no good reason for why I've acted this way towards Tony for years.

Tony continues to stare at me surprised at what I just confessed to her. Is she starting to believe that I am lying?

"Please Tony believe me, I'm telling the truth" I say taking her hands "I don't expect you to feel the same way, I just don't want you to hate me anymore"

This is probably the last time I'll ever see Tony again, I'm not ever able to see her again after this confession, especially when she's going to turn me down, so should I do it? Might as well. She hasn't gotten up and left or take her hands away from mine.

I lean in and kiss Tony. I let go of her hands and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her to me. I was ready for her to push me away and slap me but to my surprise she started to kiss me back. My eyes widened and I felt myself blush, this kiss feels so much better than at that party, this one was real.

Tony relaxes in my arms and rests her hands on my chest. I tighten my hold around her and pull her closer to me. I lick Tony's bottom lip for entrance and she opens to let me in. Just when that happens we get fucking interrupted!

"what the fuck!" A familiar guys voice yells.


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