I suppose you guys can have an explanation...

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NOTE: Spoilers for George Orwell's 1984 ahead. Also this is kinda an analysis, but I don't want to actually write a proper one out so, uh, figure it out yourself?

Fun Facts:
•Military training programs are called Hoekstra's Youth, after Hitler's youth programs.

•I have included a reference to the French Revolution in this story, if you find it comment on it, and you're amazing.

•Ben O'Brien is a combination of... Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren in Star Wars, Benito Mussolini, who invented fascism, and O'Brien the character in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. That right, the ending was in front of you all along.

Now, a very bad analysis:

I always hate when dystopian stories get away from actual important stuff, and instead just focus on the love interest, so I instead KILLED the love intrest, because Elizabeth is strong and doesn't need Ben. I like breaking stereotypes, it's fun. :D

Ben O'Brien was created specifically to be the stereotypical harmless boy, that's the love interest. Cute, sweet, seemingly harmless, messy hair, cooking abilities- Ben's image was carefully crafted as part of a specific program. For each person, Ben fakes his death after being asked to be out site on the person he's with, so it's their fault. Ben then reveals himself, captures his project, and torture them until they're fit to be released back into society. It's a secret program of Hoekstra's, attractive and loyal boys and girls are trained for it.

Elizabeth is expirencing this entire world, she's clever, witty, and is like nearly every dystopian protagonist, and deep down who we all THINK we would be.

Now- Hoekstra. Named after the US ambassador to the Netherlands, who, when confronted with the fact that he called the Netherlands a "no-go zone," he told Dutch press that was fake news, to which the Dutch played the video of him saying the Netherlands was a "no-go zone," to which he denied calling it fake news in the first place. Essentially, the real-life Hoekstra is an idiot.

So now, who's Hoekstra based off of in my story? Easy- fascist dictators and infit leaders- namely, Hitler, Stallion, and Trump. This is because Hoekstra is an egotistical totalitarian dictator (and less smart than many other dictators of his caliber), who has charmed the working class into hailing him as a god. This is very typical of totalitarian leaders, and Trump's base is all working class white people, the majority of whom don't understand that his policies are screwing them over. I also made comments about the south and why Elizabeth won't go there, and I had that scene where Elizabeth buys a gun. So, what does this mean? It means that the country this is set in is the US.

I called my story in the beginning essentially an Homage to George Orwell (which in of itself is an allusion to his book Homage to Catalonia), and that's because it is. [WARING: SPOILERS FOR NINTEEN EIGHTY FOUR AHEAD] Like 1984, this is set in a dystopian future, after facism rose and took control- like it felt after WWII, and like how it feels now (with a rise of fascist and nationalist parties and movements around that world). That's why I wrote this, to call attention to what could be.

AND... O'Brien in 1984 is a high up member of The Party, and pretends to be on Winston and Julia's side, even giving them the book of "the brotherhood," a group which may or may not even exist. O'Brien then comes for the two, and tortures Winston until he believes, that two plus two equals five (it's very violent, Winston will believe everything) and becomes brainwashed so he's released back into society. The Party does this so that there's no chance for martyrs- because the dissidents stop doing so. Then, after Winston finally served his purpose and believes in Big Brother, he is shot in the head. The end. He is crushed like an insignificant bug.

SO... now that I've told you some of the stuff behind We're Not Gonna Take It, here's some discussion questions (jay you nerd)

Does the nice part of the capital ACTUALLY exist? (Ben never showed it to Elizabeth)

Have you noticed any other allusions (references)? There are MANY, see if you can find them :D

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