Mission Atlantis; Chapter 10

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A month later...

I braided my hair to the side before looking in the mirror. I was sporting a dark purple bikini with dark blue polka dots. My body was still a little sore, but hey, I promised a party! I grabbed a towel and slid on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Since my mission was a success, Wanda had wanted to make dinner for us all before we went swimming. She was so happy, I couldn't refuse. I counted off the people coming while I walked to the dining quarters.

"So me," I thought out loud,"Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Nat. Dad, because he invited himself. Vision, I think. And Clint, because he's here and I owe him one." When I walked into the dining room, I was enveloped by the smell of food. Wanda was holding a massive bowl of mashed potatoes when I walked in.

"What do you think?" she asked me cheerfully. She was wearing a white shirt and blue shorts, so I could see her red bikini top through the shirt. I helped her with bowl and set it on the table.

"A, it's food, so I'm happy. B, I think you're getting food that I like, so I'm double happy." Wanda flashed a grin. "So what's on the menu?"

"Mashed potatoes, baked potatoes." Wanda started. "Avocados, ham-"

"You got ham?" I squealed, smiling profusely.

"-Hawaiian bread, olives, refried beans, and rice," Wanda finished before jokingly pointing a finger at me. I hadn't seen her this happy since the day we met. "And you better like it, missy." I laughed.

"I wont like it, Wanda. I'll love it." We walked to the kitchen, where I helped her move the food to the table. The others slowly started to arrive as we finished. The problem was the ham. Wanda had cooked it so well (magic probably to help) that it was to heavy to carry. We both heaved as we tried to pick it up.

"Wanda," I gasped. "What did you put in this thing?!?"

"I enlarged it," Wanda panted. "To make sure there was enough for everyone."

"I think this was a little much," I puffed. "It is enough for everyone, but we're going to die before we can get it out there!" A light bulb went off in my head as I rubbed the sweat off my face. "Wait a second." I poked my head out the door. "Uncle Steve?" Everyone looked to me.

"What is it?" Steve inquired.

"Yeah," said Sam. "We want to eat! What's taking so long?" Clint muttered an agreement, causing me to sigh.

"We kind of have a problem," I explained. I could hear Wanda struggling to pick it up behind me.

"I think I got it!" she cried. "Wait, wait. Ahh!" I heard a loud crash. Vision looked concerned. He couldn't eat, but he decided to come anyways to the dinner. I think he had a slight crush on Wanda.

"That sounds like a problem," my father observed. I blew strands of hair out of my face.

"I got it," Steve sighed, smiling slightly as he got out of his chair and followed me back, where we found Wanda trapped, struggling under the giant ham. "That's... a lot of meat."

"And a lot of weight!" Wanda gasped. Steve chuckled as he picked the colossal ham up effortlessly. "Thanks."

"Not a problem," Steve said before turning to me. "It's not that heavy," he smirked.

"Stop rubbing it in," I laughed. "We just need it on the table." Steve winked as he carried it to the dining room. Clint's mouth dropped.

"Can that be mine?" he begged. Natasha smiled and swatted him.

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