~Chapter Twelve~

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I cannot feel anything. My arms stiff, my legs numb. My mind is spinning from the thought of losing Dustin.

I sit in the driver seat of my parents car, getting flashbacks to the last time in the divers seat. I reach forward slowly, starting up the car. I back out of the driveway. I glance down at the photo of Dustin with the address.

"I'm coming for you."

With that, I am off.

How am I going to explain to the police how I found him? If I tell them about the texts, someone dies. Just like Hannah. I can't lose another person from not listening to the killers games.

I speed up, passing houses. The street lights kept the dark buildings lit up.

The fact that scared me the most is, I knew where this apartment building is. My friend group, we always hung out there. Lance found the place and we all just hung out there. It was abandoned so no was there, and police didn't care to watch the place.

I pull onto a back road, no more lights and no more building. Only my headlights and open fields. In the distance was a semi-tall building. The apartments.

I make my way down the gravel road, slowly. I pull up to the gate around the building complex, putting the car into park. I reach over to the glovebox, opening it grabbing a flashlight.

I turn off the car, the headlights turning off with it. I step out of the car, turning on the flashlight. I walk over to the gate, go in through a small hole in it. A ring sounds coming form my phone. I pull it out, unknown,

'You know what room he's in'

The only room that's not locked. The room that we always stayed in.

I walk up to the building, pushing open the heavy door. The sound of glass and creaking wood boards under my feet as I walk in. I slowly looking around, aiming the flashlight at every possible place. I quickly start to walk heading to the stairs.

I begin to climb them, heading for the third floor. The floor with the unlocked room.

"Dustin?" I say softly but loud enough to shout, but nothing in return.

What if Dustin isn't here? And it is all just their game?

I make it to the third floor. I open the door from the stairwell into the hallway. I glance down seeing fresh blood. Which trailed into the open room. I cautiously walk into, seeing Dustin unconscious, tied to a chair.

"Oh my god, Dustin." I run over to him, grabbing ahold of his head seeing blood coming from his head. I wipe it seeing no wound.

I look around with the flash leading my eyes. I find a glass shard on the floor. I pick it up, walking over to Dustin, beginning to cut the ropes holding him.

"Dustin, I need you to wake up. Give me some life." I continue cutting the ropes, getting him free. His body falls forward onto me. I could feel him faintly breathing. I began to pick him up to his feet.

"W-what's going on?" Dustin's voice was so raspy, barely there.

"Dustin, it's me. Michelle. I am getting you out of here. Okay?" He nods, wrapping his arms around me, suddenly floor boards started to creak, outside the room. Suddenly a dark figure steps into the door frame. Their body covered in loose black clothing with a hood and black mask.

Something shined in the flashlights light, a knife in the hand on the masked person. They began to step closer.

Suddenly, Dustin falls to the ground grabbing something, quickly aiming it at the killer.

A gun.

He pulls the trigger, causing it to go into the killers side. They grab their side running off. Fresh blood lands on the floor from where the killer stood.

I quickly crouch down next to Dustin. Grabbing out my phone calling the police.

How did the killer know this was our spot? Why was their a gun in the middle of the room?

Who was this killer?


I sat in the hallway outside of Dustin's room. I glance in through the window of his room seeing his parents and Melody. I look down at my phone seeing the time 3:39am. My parents were on their way to come pick me up.

The doctor walks out of Dustin's room. I stands up walking to him.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes, he is okay. He has a mild concussion and is dehydrated. He will stay here for a couple days to get in fluids. He is very lucky, if you didn't come he found of most likely starved," The doctor says before placing a hand on my shoulder glancing down at my cut up knees. "How about you get your knees cleaned?"

"I want to stay here," I say glancing into Dustin's room. "I can't leave him."

"He will be fine. The police are here. Who ever got him shouldn't mess with him anymore with a girlfriend like you." The Doctor smiles at me. "Come on, I'll be quick with it and you can come back."

I nod, watching Dustin as I walked off with the doctor going into a smaller room. I sat down on the table looking down at my knees. The doctor put on some gloves and grabbed out a cotton ball. I glanced out into the hallway seeing a doctor taking to the sheriff.

"I got back with the kidnappers blood." The doctor says her voice being faint.

"So who is it?" The sheriff questions.

"The blood matched up with Lance Aldrich."

My heart drops. My eyes began to fill with tears.

Lance kidnapped his own friend? Lance is killing everyone?

"He came in a couple days ago with a hurt right arm. His football coach thought it was some serious injury when it was just a slightly pulled muscle which will heal in a week." The doctor said speaking up again.

The sheriff nods, before talking to his walkie talkie, "All eyes on Lance Aldrich. If found take him to the station. This involves the murders and kidnapping.

Hate began to fill my body. The thought of Lance killing Hannah and Louis made no sense.

Wait. The killer held a knife in his hand.

His right hand.

Lance her his right arm,

And he was left handed.

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