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i hate mondays.

mondays are quite possibly the worst thing ever imagined and yet here i was, trudging my way through a couple feet of pure white and freezing cold snow in the middle of a canadian winter and Vancouver was the worst.

why, you ask? well why else other than for the close second worst thing ever imagined, high school.

Most people appreciate their education and the doors it opens for them.

Myself however, i never clicked with school. The only lessons i enjoyed were ones were i could create things.

I quickly took a shine to music. From a young age i played piano. I knew the theoretical stuff before i knew what it was called and i taught myself guitar the summer of my tenth birthday.

I'm 16 now and not much to show for it.

i have very few friends, a very non successful band, i refuse to say we're bad because that just means i've failed at my passion and i hate failing at things i'm passionate about. On top of all this i'm facing getting kicked out of school because of my bad grades.

As i approached the gates of what feels like my own personal hell, i took out my earbuds and phone from the pocket of my purple and black duffle coat and tuned out the world around me. i nodded my head slightly to the drum beat of a paramore song, decoy, one of my favourites. I loved paramore. They baaically inspired me to start a band! My long, curly, dark hair fell around my face and moved in time to the beat of the song.

I walked past most of the cliques in my school, the usual bitchy cheerleaders to one side with all the stereotypically "hot" various jocks fawning over their "perfect" bodies. To my left, the sciencey people and the mathletes, I secretly have a love for science, aside from art and music it's my favourite class! The skater kids and the "alternative" kids were beside them. i suppose you could say i fitted in with that group, my few friends that are also my band mates are in that group so i suppose i am too.

i reached my battered, pale blue locker and put in my code "2 5 99"

I opened the door and threw my beaten up, old rucksack in and took out the books i needed for my first three classes when i felt someone tap my shoulder.

"goood morning, Rosie. I trust you slept well" said Aaron. Aaron was tall, really tall. he was really pale and had a dark gingerish tinge to his hair. he had a delicate and rounded face covered with freckles, a dainty nose and big, beautiful, gorgeous green eyes, the kind of green eyes Dean Wincheater has in "supernatural" fanfiction. He's also the drummer in my band, "Distance".

i turned to face him and looked up, he's quite a bit taller than me.

"I dont know how you can be so awake right now, dude. It ain't natural" i responded, stifling a yawn in the process.

I noticed Aaron's hand jittering and asked;

"have you by any chance had coffee this morning?"

"Noooooooo....." he replied, with a guilty look on his face.

i turned and took my coat off, revealing a grey crewneck advertising a band i was really into, The Smashing Pumpkins, a pair of black skinny jeans and a worn out pair of black converse.

i glanced down at the gold watch on my left forearm, grabbing my books that i had set down in my locker when i was talking to Aaron.

Closing the locker door i turned to face him again.

"im letting paulie deal with your caffine crash this time and we're gonna be late if we dont get a move on!"

i grabbed his arm with my free hand and tugged him down the hall to our first class, Geography, oh the joys.

"But i dont wanna go, Rosie.

can't we just ditch for one day?" he whined

i turned the idea over in my head before deciding i was in enough trouble with school as it is and didnt need anymore hassle

"nope, sorry bud not this time. c'mon."


with that we started sprinting down the hall to the classroom.

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