(F/N) swung by what had to have been a few hours later, Sam and Randy had been able to get the first tent up, and were now fighting with a second one. You let (F/N) have a turn on the swing as you grabbed the snacks from your backpack, tossing a bag of pretzels over to (F/N) and grabbing a bag of Lay's for yourself.

Sam was the one who came over next, she looked defeated as she shamefully pointed at the second tent.

"Do either of you know how to pitch a tent?"

You didn't, and if the fact that (F/N) never complained about sleeping without one, you assumed they didn't either. You were about to state that sad fact when a familiar voice cut you off.

"I do,"

The bag popped in your hand from the grip as you spun around, seeing Jeff stroll out from the forest without a care in the world. The Newspaper flashed through your mind as you felt your face get red-hot.

Sam blinked and (F/N) tumbled out of the tire swing to grab your arm as Jeff walked over, arms behind his head. His face was obscured by a surgical mask, but he clearly hadn't slept in a few days.

"... And you are?"

"Jeff's fine, I'm uh... Homeschooled,"

You held back a laugh as Sam shrugged, seemingly satisfied with his vague explanation, leading him over to the tent. He set it up in record time, before returning back to you. 

"... Nice bat,"

"Thanks, just got it,"

Randy started coughing as you said that, you didn't hold back your laugh this time, just covering your mouth. (F/N) looked at the bat, then at Randy, then at you.

"Isn't that his game bat?"

"Randy quit the team earlier this year, remember?"

"... Oh yeah,"

Jeff was now looking at Randy, a dark look in his eyes, he looked uncomfortable, you ran the newspaper through your head, no mention of anyone named Randy. Why did he look so... scared?

"... So uh... my dad gave me a newspaper,"

He looked away from Randy, and to you, head tilted. You gulped, (F/N) squeezed your arm tighter, a warning to not continue.

You ignored that warning, keeping your voice low so the three setting up a shitty campfire don't overhear.

"It was about a murder case from 5 years ago."

"... Okay?"

"It had your name as the suspect."

He froze, eyes widening as he shot a glance over to the others, standing up and forcing both of you to follow him to the other side of the tree. Crossing his arms and glaring. You didn't feel scared, though.

"Go on, what did you learn with your little journey of knowledge?"

You took in a sharp breath, already red face somehow feeling more so, (F/N) continued your statement. Looking incredibly unenthused to the fact you had let the murderer know, that you knew, that he was a murderer.

"It said that you, the suspect, murdered your parents and attempted to kill your older brother."

"... That's all it mentioned?"

"Should it had mentioned something else, Jeffery?"

Your voice was bitter, betraying the gross butterflies blooming in your gut, and the hot feeling creeping down your neck. He flinched at hearing his full name, you almost felt bad. 


"... There were three other people that I killed. Guess they didn't think to bring it up."

You and (F/N) looked at each other, they held your arm for dear life, clearly ready to run at any sign of aggression. You pried a bit deeper, and he let you.

"Wh... what were their names,"

"Troy, Keith... and Randy,"

(F/N) loosened their grip on your arm, looking at him with nothing short of pity. You blinked a few times, before reached out to his arm, he let you take it.

"... Um... the uh... Randy over there's nice, just.... weird,"

That was the best term you could think of, even if it wasn't right. He was shy, he was anxious, he was scared of just about every woman he came across aside from Sam and Carrie. If he hadn't been the star for so long, you didn't doubt he would be the kid sitting in the hallway eating his lunch alone. It sounded familiar, painfully familiar. 

"... Randall was a dick, should've made him scream longer but I-"

His breathing was rough as he gripped your arm tighter, you winced at the pain as his eyes began to water.

"Fuck, I hated him so much- You have no idea,"

"I don't, but you don't- have to talk about it- if you don't want too."

He squeezed his eyes tight, breathing slowly to calm himself down. Someone coughed, the three of you all looked over to Carrie, standing there, holding three marshmallow sticks.

"... Shit dude, do you want a S'more?"

Jeff x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now