The ship started moving, and you felt the familiar pulse of warp working. You smiled in relief, but you looked over and saw Khan's grim expression. You instantly frowned.


"Well, at least we're moving again." Bones interrupted, walking in front of Khan with Carol Marcus. He held up a device in front of Khan's face and it started whirring, and the doctor looked down at his readings.

"If you think you're safe at warp, you're wrong." Khan uttered under his breath and you looked up just in time to see Carol run off with a horrified expression on her face. Your eyes widened as you studied Khan. He couldn't be serious, he just couldn't.


"Yes, Lieutenant. I'm afraid we have little time, so listen carefully. I-"

The ship jerked to the side, causing you to fall. A sharp pain shot up your leg and you cried out, clenching your jaw and gripping the table.

"Listening-!" You managed to spit out, scrambling to get a hold of the bed, which was bolted into the ground. Khan gripped your hand with a look of severity on his face, a mad look in his eyes as he kept you steady, shudders running through the ship as screams echoed in your ears, crashing down the halls.

"__y/n__, we haven't been together long, but I understand completely now that I am utterly infatuated with you and in love with you. If I come out of this alive, which I most likely won't, I want, no, need you to marry me. I can't lose you. I've already lost my crew and it's taken forever to be reunited with them again, and I refuse to lose you at all. I love you." He whispered, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he draped a necklace over your head.

You stared at Khan, wide-eyed, placing your hand on your forehead after he broke away the kiss.
"Oh my god. Did you just... Did you just propose to me?" You breathed out, pointing at him. He simply smiled slightly and gave a short nod. You gripped a table for balance, gaping at him.

"Hell yes. Yes I will marry you. You're a goddamn idiot, though, you know that?" You said, smiling widely. "You better come out of this whole thing alive or I'm bringing you back to life and killing you again." You glanced down at the necklace, which held a ring. You didn't catch Khan's sad smile as you inspected the silver piece of jewelry, a small silver diamond in the middle. Modest and beautiful. You loved it. You glanced up and were about to speak when Kirk burst in, stepping in front of Khan.

"Tell me everything you know about that ship." Kirk nearly shouted, his tone frantic. And Khan began.

"Dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat." Khan stated, and you found it both interesting and irritating that he could act so... Calm while the ship he was on was just attacked, and he just proposed to you. Where the officers were, you had no idea, but you were glad they gave you privacy wherever they went.

"I will do everything I can to make you answer for what you did." Kirk spoke slowly, and a silent staring battle between the captain and your fiancé arose.
"But right now I need your help."

"In exchange for what?" Khan stated, enunciating the last 't' in his statement. Kirk paused for a moment, then continued.

"You said you'd do anything for your crew. I can guarantee their safety-"

"Captain... You can't even guarantee the safety of your own crew..." He drawled, and you stepped back, running your index finger along the cool metal of the ring. You slipped the necklace inside the collar of your dress, rubbing your arm absentmindedly. The captain said nothing.

"Bones. What are you doing with that tribble?" Kirk asked, closing his eyes in irritation as you glanced over to Dr. McCoy.

"The tribble's dead. I'm injecting Khan's platelets into the deceased tissue of a necrotic host." The doctor pressed the needle into the animal quickly, and set the device down after a small whir.
"Khan's cells regenerate like nothing I've ever seen, and I want to know why." Bones murmured, and you drew your attention back to Kirk, who had taken a step closer to Khan.

"Are you coming with me or not?" Kirk asked, and you glanced at Khan. No. No. No, he couldn't do that. But of course, he had to.


It was only a mere minute after Khan had agreed to go aboard the damn ship before you sat in the med bay, alone. You closed your eyes, your hands covering the ring. You hoped to God, or whatever being out there that decided fate, that Khan would live. Please, let him live.

"What've you got there?" Bones asked, striding over to you and leaning over your shoulder to take a look at your hands that clasped around the ring. You jumped slightly, turning around and taking a step back.

"A- A necklace." Bones raised an eyebrow and you swallowed, glancing down.

"Did he give it to you?" He asked, and your head whipped up, a frown etched on your features as you sighed, closing your eyes and releasing one hand from the ring. You held it firmly between your thumb and index, looking down.

"He proposed to me five minutes ago. I hate that son of a bitch." You grumbled, and glanced up to see Bones's expression. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Lieutenant, you just got proposed to a criminal."

You glanced down, a small smile on your face.

"I guess I did, Dr. McCoy. I guess I did."

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