2. your names and pictures on each others phone 🌲

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(a/n everyone love my friend she's sick and i'm scared she's gonna die 😭😭 also!! massive thing, the pictures do not represent you, please do not get upset by certain features of the girls i show as the pictures. i'm just using them as a kind of image reference. you would use yourself instead of these girls it's just showing the pose you're making in the caller id, that's all.)
words: 3031

             t o n y . s t a r k

yours: thick thighs save lives 🍟(he calls you this because he loves the way you're proud of your body, that you don't give a single shit about what other people think of you

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yours: thick thighs save lives 🍟
(he calls you this because he loves the way you're proud of your body, that you don't give a single shit about what other people think of you. and he finds your thigh-around-the-neck death lock sexy as hell, and the picture? well, he just couldn't resist himself.)

his: tin tin 🥫(you once poured a bunch of soup over his head and he smelt like liquid tomato for the whole day, and plus, tony's hair reminds you of tintin's from the adventures of tintin

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his: tin tin 🥫
(you once poured a bunch of soup over his head and he smelt like liquid tomato for the whole day, and plus, tony's hair reminds you of tintin's from the adventures of tintin. the photo is just proving you right, in a way. when you put the pictures together, you could see the similarities between the hairstyles.)

           s t e v e . r o g e r s

yours: agent (y/n) 😊(you had always been mildly jealous with the fact that steve was a captain and you weren't really anything

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yours: agent (y/n) 😊
(you had always been mildly jealous with the fact that steve was a captain and you weren't really anything. you were constantly reminded about your position in the avengers and your many talents, but you didn't have a title. so steve took it upon himself to label you as an agent. it wasn't much, but you loved it. you even posed like one, hence the picture.)

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