1. how you met 🌹

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a/n just a quick thing i do girls too, got a problem with it. fuck off. 
(y/n) = your name
(y/b/n) = your brothers name
(y/s/n) = your sisters name
(e/c) = eye colour
(y/l/n) = your last name
(y/s/n) = your superhero name
words: 5540 (sorry)

t o n y . s t a r k

"what do you mean you can't fix it!" you angrily yelled at one of the incompetent apple store staff members

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"what do you mean you can't fix it!" you angrily yelled at one of the incompetent apple store staff members.
"who is the professional here? ma'am, calm down. i'm sorry we can't fix your phone, we have a lot of people requesting our service." the man patiently hissed, he was loosing his temper, you could tell.
"bullshit!" you paused to squint at the workers name tag, "craig, don't make me ask for the manager! the place is practically empty." the man, formally known as craig, hauntingly glared at you. his look hollowing through your skin with dead eyes. he leaned forward and gripped tightly a hold of the scruff of your blouse and pulled you close to him. his breath was hot and smelt of spice and gravy.

"you listen here, lady. shut the actual hell up. i work here. you're just a pathetic little customer i can brush away like one of the other hundreds of fleas that come in here everyday. you're no different, you're just a mouthy little-" before the anger fuelled man could spit his final insult, a large masculine hand fiercely smacked craig's hand from his tight hold on your shirt.

"excuse me, sir, if i can call a man like you sir, would you care to unhand my assistant, please. she doesn't deserve to be treated like that by people like you." a familiar voice grimaced. craig burst into panic and slithers of strung out stutters passed his lips like the alphabet childishly running off a babies tongue.
"s-s-sorry, i-i'll go." he hummed silently and he scurried off to hide behind the counter. you turned around to be faced with the one and only tony stark.
"hello there, young one. what's your name?" you shot him a thankful smile.

"well, hi. my names (y/n). i was actually just on my way to the new assistant position interview i have with you but i dropped my phone on the floor and it's got my cv on and i just came to get it repaired." he looked at you with a look you've never received before.
"you're hired, now come with me. i'll fix your phone." you smiled as he placed his hand on the small of your back as he gently lead you out of the apple store.

           s t e v e . r o g e r s

 r o g e r s

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