Stressed Out

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Sunny's POV

Parappa is pacing behind the couch that I'm sitting on. This whole ordeal with PJ is really starting to take a toll on him. He stops at the door, bangs his head on it, then plops down on the couch.

"You OK?" What a stupid question for me to ask. He's not ok. He just huffs in response, then takes off his beanie. I scooch closer to him, trying to get words out of him. When he looks over at me, his expression goes neutral. I grab the end of his ponytail and begin to fiddle with it.

"Stop that," he sighs, "that's not helping anything." My arm falls on his shoulder.

"You heard anything from PJ lately?" I ask absent-mindedly.

"Apparently Paula's living with him now," he finally responds, "she's pregnant or somethin'."

"Oh?" I cock my head as if I were a puppy.

"Yeah, I think he's still wrapping his mind around that one, too. They...they never really were that close to begin with..."

I kiss him on the cheek. He looked like he needed that.

"Thanks," he chuckled.

"I love you," I say while hugging him.

He hugs me back. "Love you too."

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