Can We Just "Talk?"

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I really needed a shower.

I had Paula sit on my collapsed couch before I did anything else.

"Where you goin'?" She asks. I point in the direction that my bathroom is in. She just makes a "tsk" noise and turns on the TV. I roll my eyes and continue on my way.

Paula's POV

Nothing good is on TV today. Does this guy even have cable?

Turning my focus away, I could hear running water in the next room. I would call him rude for taking a shower while he had company, but I'm not blaming him. He looked like he really needed one.

* * *

When he came back into the living room, he had a notepad in his hands. Without thinking, I shifted positons on the couch, laying my legs in his lap. He glanced at me weirdly, then began scribbling on the notepad. When he finishes, he hands it over to me.

Do you remember that text I sent you last night?

Last night? I don't remember that at all. PJ looks at me, takes the notepad back, and scribbles some more on it.

Why did you check your phone and run away?

Without another word, I check my phone again. His message is there. If I remember getting that, would I have really reacted like that?

Then it hit me.

I didn't run away because of that.

"PJ..." I sigh, "there's a different reason as to why I did that..."

He suddenly pulls me in close. I hang my head low. Here goes nothing.

"...I think I might be pregnant."

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