Chapter 8- Start us off with a Performance!

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Here it is! Like I promised!

Play the song when I say so!

Anyway, enjoy!


A few days later...

-Pokemon Centre-

"Everyone who has entered the tournament, please make your way to the stadium, the tournament is about to start. I repeat, make your way to the stadium. The tournament is about to start." Nurse Joy's voice echoed through the speakers.

"Well, we've waited long enough. So come on!" Trevor exclaimed.

Everyone was evacuating the Pokemon Centre. The once crowded Pokemon Centre, is now empty...

"Wow, I can't believe all those trainers entered." Nurse Joy muttered, as she went to clean up the Pokemon Centre, with her partner Audino.


-Ash's gang-

"So, how strong are the trainers entering?" Alain asked.

"All of them are either top coordinators, 8-badged trainers, the best trainers in their region..." Ash started listing things off his fingers, everyone sweatdropped.

Sawyer cut him off, "So they're pretty strong."

Ash stopped listing, and nodded.

"Hey, have you guys practiced your routine?" Aria asked Shauna, Lillie and Bonnie.

They nodded.

Serena stopped walking. Everyone else stopped too, and looked at her.

"Where's Jessie? She's supposed to perform too." Serena said.

"Oh, she said she'll meet us at the stadium. She said business will be less when the tournament starts. So, she waited till that." Shauna replied, as she started walking again.

"Thank goodness. I thought she was gonna ditch you guys." Serena said, laughing a little.

"She would never do that! That was the Team Rocket Jessie. The Jessie we're talking about, is the woman who works at a very successful café." Lillie stated, proudly.

"That's my wife for ya!" Gary said, putting an arm around Lillie's shoulder.

"Oh yeah? Then what were you doing, flirting with Lillie's best friend, Mallow, yesterday?" Sawyer asked, crossing his arms while smirking.

Everyone else (excluding Lillie) were trying to hold back their laughter. Gary was taken aback.

"I-I wasn't flirting! I was having... a friendly conversation!" Gary defended himself.

"Surrre Gary. We TOTALLY believe you." Everyone else said in a sarcastic tone (excluding Lillie).

"He wouldn't do that. I believe him. And Mallow's my best friend." She kissed Gary on the cheek.

"You're lucky you have a kind wife, or you'd be skinned alive." Trevor laughed: everyone else joining in.

"Finally! There ya guys are!" They heard a familiar squeeky male voice. It was Meowth, in disguise.

"Oh, hey Meowth! Where's James and Jessie?" Mairin asked.

"They went ta buy some snacks." Meowth replied.

"Oh, alright then let's go inside..." Max said.

They made their way into the huge stadium. Which was already starting to get crowded...

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