Αмazing Quotєs →

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Life is a test & the Qur'an contains all the answers to this test. Be connected with the Qur'an & witness your success in both worlds.

"The Qur'an Kareem is an immense treasure meant to guide us through darkness like the stars guide the travelers of the desert."

"When there is a fire, there is smoke. If the fire of imaan has been lit within the heart then there must be smoke. You will see that with those who truly listen to the Qur'aan. Their eyes begin to well up with tears which trickle down their cheeks."

"If reading Al-Fatiha acts as a cure, what about memorizing the whole Qur'aan Shareef? The Qur'aan Shareef is a healing for physical and psychological diseases."

The Qur'aan is meant to be recited daily, all year around not only to be dusted & opened in Ramadhaan.

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