virtue of learning a single verse

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Abu Dharr رضي الله عنه related, "Rasoolullah ﷺ told me,

"O Abū Dharr, indeed, for you to go out in the morning and learn a single āyah of the Book of Allah is better for you than performing a hundred raka'āt of Salaah.

And for you to go out in the morning and learn a chapter of knowledge - whether it be something that can be practiced upon or not - is better for you than performing a thousand raka'āt of Salaah.‟"

(Sunan ibn Mājah)

There are many good deeds we can do and many acts of worship we can perform through which we gain reward from Allah ta'ālā in the Hereafter.

And out of them all, one of the greatest acts of 'ibādah is to perform Salaah.

Yet despite that, to exert ourselves and spend our time learning the Qur‟ān, is an act which Allah rewards more than the reward He grants to the one who spends his time engaged in Salaah.

This shows the great virtue and superiority of this noble endeavour of memorising the Glorious Qur‟ān as compared to other acts of worship.

Thus this Hadith indicates that learning the Qur‟ān is better than acquiring the wealth of the dunyā and is also one of the best means of gaining the reward of the ākhirah as well.

O Allah, grant us the Hidayah to go out and learn the Qur‟ān. Aameen

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