Chapter Fifteen

Depuis le début

“I’m sorry, Colleen,” Harry whispers.

I look at him confused, “For what?”

“For trying to have sex with you,” he strokes the back of my hand, “For not being here when you needed me most.”

“Harry, please don’t. I know you’re sorry; and I know you wish you were here to save me, but you weren’t, and you can’t help that. That was your career; and I don’t want to stop you from continuing your dream.” We continue to stare at each other as the hours pass bye. I never thought I could stay awake with someone and not talk, but Harry makes everything so different. I also know he doesn’t want to fall asleep because he’ll just end up having to wake back up for me.

When Harry is about to say something we hear grunts coming from the room next to mine. We stare at each other wide eyed knowing exactly who it’s coming from. Kaitlyn and Liam have finally gotten a room to themselves, and they are making good use of it. Although, they seemed to have forgotten the walls of my house aren’t soundproof.

“Well shit,” I say giggling. I look towards Harry as his eyes start to change to lust. “Kiss me?” Harry immediately sits up and crashes his lips to mine. I haven’t had this feeling in the longest time. Harry is keeping his hands away from me because we both know that wouldn’t be a good thing.

He pulls away and I whine, “Sorry Love, but if we keep going it’s not going to end well,” he half smiles. I smile back at him when we hear an even louder moan come from the next room. “I’m so tempted to bang on their door.”

“Please don’t,” I say, “We can just tease them about it tomorrow,” then laugh.

“Fine,” he pecks my lips. “Should we get some sleep?” I shrug my shoulders. “You know I’m right here if you need me.”

“Okay,” I yawn not realizing how tired I am. Harry and I grab hands as I drift into sleep. I can feel myself waking up and rolling around as another dream is finally ending. I slowly open my eyes to see Zayn and Perrie still sound asleep and Harry intently staring at me. “What?” I whisper.

“What was the dream about?” he doesn’t miss a thing.

“Going on tour with you… Being hated on… And almost getting pulled away from you…” I look at the clock. Eleven am.

“That’s not going to happen because I won’t let it.”

The two of us get out of bed then head downstairs where we find Liam and Kaitlyn laying on my couch. In my spot. “Thought you two would still be asleep,” Harry teases.

“We couldn’t sleep.”

“We know that.”

“Told you were too loud,” says Liam to Kaitlyn.

“She’s always been a loud one,” I tease. “And the walls aren’t exactly sound proof,” I cross my arms glaring at them.

“Sorry, we’ll be quieter next time,” Kaitlyn says sheepishly.

“Next time better not be in my house. Looks like I’m going to have to burn those sheets.” They both turn bright red.

After Harry and I grab breakfast, we join the two love birds on the couch. Liam is still heavily at it with my comic books, and Kaitlyn is intently watching Criminal Minds. A show I no longer watch because of how gruesome it gets. I snuggle into Harry as I eat my bowl of cereal while his arms are wrapped around me.

“Good morning, everyone,” sings Perrie as she walks into the living room with her breakfast. “What are we watching?” she’s always so happy.

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