What Now?

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Lily's POV

I ran to my room and cried. I was nowhere near ready to be a mother. After several minutes, I heard a knock on the door.

"Lily, it's me. Can I come in?" asked August.

"OK." I responded, my voice muffled through my pillow.  She came in and sat down on my bed. 

"What are we going to do?" I sobbed.

"I think we'll have to pull you out of school for this year, to protect you and Zach both. I can talk to June and see if we can figure out a way for you to learn from home." she suggested."Zach will probably still go back to college in the fall. It would be much safer for him. With any luck, Zach  will be back for summer when the baby's born."

I still couldn't wrap my head around the idea of a baby growing inside me. A whole new human being that we made ourselves and that we're responsible for.

"What about after it's born?" I asked.

August sighed and adjusted her dress. "Lily, we can care for it while you're in high school, but you likely won't be able to go to college." she said quietly. It was like my dreams shattering in front of my very eyes. I would never become a teacher or a writer. I cried into August's shoulder.

"I'm not ready." I sobbed. She rubbed my back.

"Honey I know you're not ready, but you have to be. Like it or not, this baby's coming and you have to be a mother. You'll figure it out, and we'll help you, but crying won't help anything." she told me.

I wiped my eyes. "You're right." I sniffled. "Thanks August."

"Anytime, honey. You're still in trouble though, young lady." she reminded me.

I nodded. "I know. I'm so sorry I did this." I said, hanging my head.

She smoothed my hair lovingly. "You didn't do it by yourself. Zach's at fault too." 

"You don't understand." I explained. "He didn't want to do it since he forgot a condom. I told him to anyway." 

"Still, he did it anyway. All I know is that you two can't go to the creek alone anymore." 

I sighed. "I know."

She stood up and smoothed her dress. "Get some sleep, honey. You need to take care of yourself." she reminded.

"Thank you." I said, and crawled under the covers.

She nodded and closed the door, leaving me alone. Alone with my thoughts, alone with my worries, alone with my baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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