5x10 - Abandon All Hope

Start from the beginning

Castiel enters while Bobby finishes fiddling with a camera on a tripod. Bobby rolls his wheelchair back "Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by"

Everyone is in the room now, getting in position for the picture, smiling. "ha! Always good to have an optimist around" Ellen laughs.

"Bobby's right. Tomorrow we hunt the devil. This is our last night on earth" Castiel tells them. The smiles disappear and the camera flashes.


City Street – Day

"You getting a signal?" Sam asks Dean. Both of them with a hand out the window, phones in hand.

"No, nothing. Nice and spooky" Dean waves the other car up next to him. Ellen is driving, Jo shotgun.

"Place seem a little empty to you?" Ellen asks them.

"We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody" Dean tells her.


Dean drives off. Ellen parks. Jo gets out and turns to look at Castiel in the back seat. "Ever heard of a door handle?"

"Of course I have" Castiel is standing outside the car. She looks around, the street is deserted except for the three of them.

"What is it, Cas?" Ellen asks her.

"This town's not empty" From Castiel's point of view, the town is filled with dozens of old white men in suits, all standing still, attention fixed on something in the distance. "Reapers"

"Reapers? As in more than one?" Ellen asks her.

"They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago fire, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii. Excuse me, I need to find out why they're here" Castiel explains. She walks off, pausing to look at the nearest reaper, who ignores her.

Jo and Ellen look at each other. Castiel's attention is caught by a reaper inside a building who turns away from the window, the first of the dozens to show any signs of life. The building's marquee reads "Jesus Saves"


Castiel appears inside the building at that window. She comes down the corridor and enters a room.

"Hello, sister"


Ellen and Jo are back in their car. They come to a stop next to Dean and Sam. "Station's empty" Dean tells them.

"So's everything else" Jo says.

"Have you seen Cas?" Ellen asks them.

"What? She was with you" Sam says.

"Nope. She went after the reapers"

"Reapers?" Dean asks.

"She saw reapers? Where?" Sam asks.

"Well, kind of everywhere" Jo explains. Dean and Sam look at each other.


The room is dark, lit mostly by firelight. Castiel is standing in the center of a ring of fire. She notices the other person in the room. "Lucifer"

"So I take it you're here with the Winchesters"

"I came alone" Castiel lies.

"Loyalty. Such nice quality to see in this day and age. Castiel, right? Castiel. I'm told you came here in an automobile" lucifer tells her.


"What was that like?" Lucifer asks curious.

Castiel looks around "Um. Slow. Confining"

"What a peculiar thing you are" Lucifer looks at her closely. This is the first good view of Lucifer, he does not look healthy. A closeup of his face shows what looks like burns.

"What's wrong with your vessel?" Castiel asks him.

"Yes. Um. Nick is wearing a bit thin, I'm afraid. He can't contain me forever, so—"

"You—" Castiel steps forward, apparently intending to get in Lucifer's face, but stops short, the fires separate them "You are not taking Sam Winchester. I won't let you"

"Castiel. I don't understand why you're fighting me, of all the angels"

"You really have to ask?" Castiel asks him.

"I rebelled, I was cast out. You rebelled, you were cast out. Almost all of heaven wants to see me dead, and if they succeed, guess what? You're their new public enemy number one. We're on the same side, like it or not, so why not just serve your own best interest? Which in this case just happen to be mine?"

"I'll die first" Castiel tells him determined.

"I suppose you will"


Castiel is still in the ring of fire and Lucifer is still watching her, when Meg enters.

"I got the Winchesters pinned down. For now, at least. What should I do with them?"

"Leave them alone" Lucifer tells Meg.

"I – I'm sorry, but are you sure? Shouldn't we—"

"Trust me, child. Everything happens for a reason" Lucifer strokes Meg's face. Castiel looks around and sees a pipe bolted to the wall.

"Well, Castiel, you have some time. Time to change your mind?"


Field – Night

"Don't feel too bad, Sam. There's only five things in all of creation that that gun can't kill, and I just happen to be one of them. But if you give me a minute, I'm almost done" Lucifer tells Sam. He picks up the shovel and moves two scoops of dirt. Sam hurries over to Dean, checking his pulse.

Lucifer leans on the shovel "You know, I don't suppose you'd just say yes here and now?" Sam stands up "End this whole tiresome discussion? That's crazy, right?"

"It's never gonna happen!" Sam exclaims.


Building – Night

A bolt on the pipe in the wall is spinning. Castiel is still in the fire ring, Meg watching. "You seem pleased" Castiel tells her.

"We're gonna win. Can you feel it? You cloud-hopping pansies lost the whole damn universe. Lucifer's gonna take over heaven. We're going to heaven, Clarence" Meg tells her.

"strange, because I heard a different theory from a demon named Crowley"

"You don't know Crowley"

"He believes Lucifer is just using demons to achieve an end, and that, once he does, he'll destroy you all" Castiel explains to her.

"You're wrong. Lucifer is the father of our race. Our creator. Your god may be a deadbeat. Mine – mine walks the earth"

Castiel gets the bolt loose and pulls the pipe free of the wall. It slams Meg through the fire into Castiel's arms. Castiel presses her palm to Meg's forehead. Nothing happens. Meg laughs.

"You can't gank demons, can you? You're cut off from the home office and you ain't got the juice. So, what can you do, you impotent sap?"

"I can do this" Castiel leans closer as if to kiss Meg, then throws her down across the fire. She screams as she walks out across her back.


Lucifer stares at the mass grave. Sam stares at Lucifer. Dean glances between them. The ground rumbles. Castiel appears next to Sam and Dean and holds a finger to her lips. Lucifer turns and all three are gone. He walks forward.

"Oh, hello, Death"

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