A Forced Trip

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Jess's POV

"What your making me go on a trip with him!"
I roll my eyes to exaggerate my annoyance, there is absolutely no way I'm going to spend three days with my former best friend and bad boy of the town. It's bad enough that he lives next door and I have to constantly see the endless line of different girls go in and out of his house.

"Yes Jess you are going on this trip with Bellamy, he is going through a really tough time with his parents separating, we both remember when that was you. He was there for you so you have to be there for him, and we both know you miss being around him. His mum and I both agreed that you guys need time away, time to bond again. So go pack you leave in two hours, and by the way your driving to the cabin."
Mum finished talking and I let out a low grumble as I stalked away to my room, three days away at the cabin isn't that bad I just wish that I didn't have to spend it with Bellamy. I do not need his smart ass remarks and judging comments, that's what ruined our friendship. Well that and the fact that he slept with the one person I hate. uhh. Just thinking about Lora made me mad, so I turned on my Bluetooth speaker and started packing.

Clothes, food, blankets, toiletries, swimmers, and towel. I got everything packed in under an hour, not bad now I just have to get ready. I finally changed out of my pyjamas into blue skinny jeans and a black crop top with my black Doc Martians. I topped it off with some mascara, as I was about to leave I grabbed my jumper and snow boots, than put everything in the car. Mum packed my entire back seat full of food so at least I have that to look forward too since I'm stuck with Bellamy for three days. I walked to Bellamy's front door and as I approach I hear a wolf whistle, I tilted my head to look at him only to find a sad smile and his glistening blue eyes pouring into me, his eyes held a hint of sorrow. But that was quickly gone and replaced with Boredom and his trade mark smirk.

"Just get in the car Bellamy"
I said showing my annoyance and that I wasn't going to put up with his crap. As soon as we got in the car Bellamy's hand went straight for the radio, I let out a growl that sounded a bit too savage than I originally intended to.
"My car, my radio, do not touch!"
He withdraw his hand and I hooked up my phone than set it on shuffle. And so the trip began.

It was a long car trip to the mountains it seemed to never end and pass by as slow as a snail. Bellamy slept for most of the trip, he always looks so peaceful. Just seeing Bellamy while he's sleeping reminds me of how it use with us before Lora got involved. We had late night movies and snuggles on the lounge, our gossiping sessions, secret forts with blankets, his gentle forehead kisses that willed me to love and our cute nickname from our parents. When they wanted to get both of our attention they would say "Jesabell," I use to live for those moments when he made me feel special but as he woke up I saw the harsh reality, that he was no longer the Bellamy I once knew. Now he is a popular playboy and bad boy of the town, but as always at first I didn't want to believe it, but than he decided to hook up with Lora, after that I didn't want anything to do with him but looking at him now I realise that I did miss having him around more than I cared to admit. When I finally came out of my thoughts I saw he was staring right back at me, his blue eyes held a stare that was intense, it was like he was looking into my soul.
"Take a picture it lasts longer, I know you can't resist me" Bellamy says with a wink, not wanting to answer I just roll my eyes and when I got out of the car I slammed the door shut behind me, this caused Bellamy to give me a weird look so I just smiled and walked away.

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