Chapter 21: Y/N's Awakening

Start from the beginning

Felix dashed through lady and she got hit by a kick in the gut. She has been pushed back.

Lady: Not bad! How about this!

Lady fires her bazooka and Gatling gun at the same time, Felix is struggling to shake her off. Unfortunately, Felix got hit in the leg and got exploded with her rocket rounds.

Felix: Ah! F#ck!*tries to get up and falls to the ground*

Lady: Give up?

Felix tried to get up but unconscious strikes him.
*in Felix head*

Dante: Remember who you are!

Vergil: Your a son of sparda!

Sparda: Don't waste it to nothing!

D,V,&S: You are Y/N Sparda!

Felix opened his eyes with green eyes and his demonic arm is glowing yellow. He uses the devil bringer to come forth the yamato. As he doing this, earthquake has occurred, the clouds turn into dark, and the winds is getting harder it blows. Both Trish and Lady both terrified on what he does.


Lady: I Don't know! I think he's doing that!

Lady pointed out Felix's demonic arm and when the yamato is in his devil bringer. He explodes in power.


Smoke has surrounded the whole fields. As the smoke was clear, they saw Felix with a big yellow person on his back with yamato on yellow devil bringer.

 As the smoke was clear, they saw Felix with a big yellow person on his back with yamato on yellow devil bringer

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(Replace the blue with yellow, your red eyes is green)

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(Replace the blue with yellow, your red eyes is green)

Trish: It was true. The legend of sparda is true!

Lady: You mean the demon knight who sealed the portal!?

Felix:*demonic voice* Yes, that's all true, and I'm his son. Thank you lady, for triggering my demonic soul in my body. My name is Y/N Sparda. *deactivates devil trigger*

I remembered who I am know, but still something off, I don't even remember why is my devil bringer yellow, it's supposed to be blue not yellow.

I saw lady rushing through me and she said:

Lady:*looks to trish*Trish! Our little handsome here remembered who he is!*looks to you* Congratulations!

Y/N: Thank you lady, but still something off.

Trish walks to me.

Trish: What do you mean something off?

Y/N: I don't remember that my devil bringer is yellow. It's supposed to be blue not yellow. But I felt much stronger in yellow than blue.

Lady: I see.

Trish: Hey, you know what, let's go to vale and celebrate to Y/N that he remember who he is!

Y/N: Hey, that's a great idea! And you can still call me Felix if you want!

Both of them giggles.

Lady: You're so cute. However, I'm old to do that.

Trish: Alright, let's go... To vale!

Lady and Y/N: To vale!

At Beacon Academy
(No one POV)
The sparda family and team beacon is doing their daily routine until they felt a huge burst of energy.

Dante:*drops the pizza* What the hell!?

Vergil:*close the book* This is something new.

Sparda:*Prepared his sword*Yes, yes it is.

Eva: A new demon.

Ozpin:*through microphone* Sparda family, Team RWBY and Team JNPR. Please come to my office.

*Time skip 4 mins later*
Everyone was in the office, they all felt the energy.

Ozpin: I know why all of you are here.

Dante: to find the source of energy.

Ozpin: Yes.

Ruby: Guys, that energy, is similar to-

Pyrrha: It's similar to Y/N.

Everyone was looking to Pyrrha.

Jaune: probably she's right. We didn't saw his body on mountain gleen. Probably he survived the blast!

Vergil: At the same time, it's different.

Eva: This energy is stronger than Sparda. Even combine the power of me, Dante and Vergil, the enegry we felt is much stronger.

Dante: Everyone, I felt that the enegry is moving towards to... Us.

Ozpin: Your mission is track down that energy and find out what is it. And who is it and don't hesitate to attack if that energy attacks you.

Everyone: Yes sir.

-End chapter

The Devil and the Spartan(Pyrrha nikos x male devil reader) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now