Chapter 38

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Veronica POV

I stood among the shadows of a private casino, as Ross stood a few tables away waiting for Klaue to appear.

Ross had made a deal with Klaue to get vibranium, so that he can lure him out and arrest him.

"Ms. Booth, any update?" He asked through the comm.

"Nothing right now" I replied.


We we're undercover to a casino in Busan, South Korea to get Klaue. Me and Ross were waiting patiently for him to arrive.

I noticed Ross shift uncomfortable. I traced his sight and found the last person I hoped to see here. I made my way towards the person.

"I didn't know that a King was allowed to gamble" I said from behind. He turned around and froze.

"Dr. Booth. What are you doing here?" T'Challa asked. I looked at Ross. And he understood.

"Let me guess, are you here for him as well. Did he steal Vibranium?" I asked.

"Wakandan Vibranium. And I'm here to take him" he said. "That part, talk to him" I said directing Ross.

"I will" he said. And he made his way towards Ross.

T'Challa was talking with Ross when I heard a commotion upstairs. Suddenly a man fell down on the table down and chaos erupted.

I looked at Klaue and his men shooting at us. I ran towards one, kicked and punched him, putting him down. Me noticed and came running towards me.

I also noticed Klaue with a Hi-Tech arm too. As I was fighting, I saw T'Challa, Okoye and another Wakandan women fighting too.

I didn't use my powers as it may freak people but was taking down men easily.

"Booth, eyes on Klaue. He's escaping" Ross said.

I ran towards Klaue when T'Challa joined me. But Klaue shooted at us and T'Challa use a safe as cover which bursted the safe and money went flying and coming down.

"Ha! I made it rain" Klaue laughed and escaped out with a car. T'Challa hot in pursuit of him.

"Ross, I'm borrowing the car" I announced and ran outside. I opened the door and jumped inside igniting it immediately.

I accelerated it to full speed but still couldn't catch up with Klaue. As I was driving I saw Okoye and the other women on the road with a shattered car.

I stopped in front of them. "Get inside" I shouted. Okoye was fast to get in and then the other person. Okoye had a big spear.

"Um...put that spear in the back" I said and drove when T'Challa pulled Klaue in front of us in the middle of the road as Black Panther.

All of us got out. Just as we did people started gather around.

"We must go" I said. We got Klaue.


"I'm a very good at patience. But you are starting to get me off" I stood inside the interrogation room with Klaue.

"Open your damn mouth, and tell me. What is the Vibranium for?" I asked.

He slowly shifted. "I'd like to talk to the other one" he said referring to Ross. I smirked at him.

"You're scared of me. I like that." I said walking out where T'Challa stood there watching through the one way glass.

Ross and Okoye entered. "Did he say anything?" Ross asked.

"He wants to talk to you. He's a bit uncomfortable around me" I said. He looked at T'Challa.

"So, this is a big mess, huh? I figured we could go good cop and bad cop, here?" Just as Ross finished Okoye spoke something in their own language.

T'Challa returned his replied the same too. Me and Ross stood there confused.

"After your questioning we'll take hm back to Wakanda with us" T'Challa said.

"What? No... look I like you a lot" Ross said. I smiled at him. "I'm doing a lot of favour by letting you in here. But he's in my custody now. He's not going anywhere" he added parting T'Challa's chest.

Okoye shifted swiftly and again spoke in their own language. In the tone of anger. More like warning.

"Does she speak English?" Ross asked. Okoye looked at him.

"Only when I want to" she spoke her accent thick as T'Challa's.

"I'm going inside. When I'm done you can" Ross said. T'Challa placed a hand on Ross' shoulder and I knew what he was doing.

"Mr. Ross. I appreciate your help." He complemented.

"You see. There is some diplomacy" he said to Okoye and walked inside.

"Did you place one on me when I went inside?" I asked smiling at the new King. He looked at me blankly.

"Is there something which you don't know?" He asked.

"I was trained in being a spy and going undercover by an institution which is best in the field. Try me" I said.

He started listening to the conversation and I could tell from his face that something was getting him on nerves.

Ross after few exchanges came outside. I looked at Klaue siting inside smiling. I stood on the entrance of the room.

He smirked looking at me. He was planning something.

"Ross..something is not right" I said but he was still talking with T'Challa.

"How much more are you hiding?" Ross asked. Just then the other women who I came to know as Nakia came rushing inside.

And so did a cannon beeping. Me and T'Challa reacted quickly. The suit merged covering him and I put out my hands making a shield around us.

I bomb went off breaking off my shield. Just then the windows broke with the firing bullets.

"Get on the floor!" I shouted. And we did. I noticed the wall of the room with Klaue with a large hole and him escaping.

Everything went quite and we slowly stood up. I noticed Ross on the ground.

"Evertte!" I shouted and went to examine him as all of us gathered around him.

"He just jumped in front of me" Nakia said. I looked at his injury.
"He'll not make it here. It's his spine" I said covering his wounds giving pressure.

"We must get him to the hospital" I said. T'Challa took a bead like thing and placed it on the wound. It merged and covered it.

"It'll stabilize him" T'Challa said. "Give him to us Ronnie. We'll save him" he said to me.

I looked worried at Ross who laid there unconscious. "Trust me" T'Challa added.

"Yeah..yeah. Take him" I said. "You can also come" Nakia said.

"No!" Okoye shouted. We looked at her. "It's alright. Just make sure you save him" I said. T'Challa looked at her.

"We are taking him. Bringingher doesn't make a difference" he said. Okoye looked at him and then at me.

Next stop was Wakanda.

Hey there people. Now we'll see Ronnie in Black Panther!!

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