1 - Barnum Museum

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I watch my cousins run around my apartment like mad as I laugh.

"You two have so much energy," I say with a laugh.

"Haha, they sure do," my Aunt, Charity says as she walks into the room.

My cousins, Ria and Kiana both smile at each other and run towards their mother hugging her tightly.

"Mummy! We missed you!" Ria says.

Kiana releases her hug and comes over to me and smiles.

"Hey Kiwi, what's up?" I ask returning the smile.

"I just wanted to say thanks Jane, I love you," Kiana says hugging me.

Ria is 7, Kiana is 15, they are both very different but are so kind to each other. Both of them have beautiful blonde hair like their mother and gorgeous brown eyes.

"I love you too," I reply into Kiana's hair.

"Come on Key, we have to go," Charity says softly.

"Aw fine, bye Jane," Kiana says.

"Bye Kiana, bye Ria," I say.

Ria is already waiting at the door as she turns around and waves at me.

They all leave and I'm left alone in my apartment, waiting for my roommate to get home.


"Hey Jane?" I hear someone call out.

"Matt?" I reply as I walk to the hallway.

I turn into the hallway and see a very exhausted Matthew, my roommate.

"Matt, what happened??" I ask.

"Tough day at work," Matt replies brushing it off.

Matt has dirt all over his face, black eyes, messy brown hair and swelling around his face.

I sigh and point to the couch, signalling for him to
lie down. Matt obeys this order and lies down on the couch on his back as I get him some ice.

"You need to be careful out there Matt," I say as I hand him the ice.

"I know," Matt sighed.

I smile weakly and leave to get him some food and water. I get distracted and look out the window to see a building with a small group of ten people protesting outside it, I open the window and lean out looking down at the building.

Barnum museum.

"Get out of this town you freaks!"

"You don't belong here you dirty bastards!"

"You're disgusting!"

"Fucking freaks!"

I'm shocked at the words coming from the men and women protesting, it's horrible. I sigh and return to giving Matt food.

"Hey Matt, there's a circus in town, want to go to it tonight?" I ask placing the food down.

"I'll pass but you go, it sounds fun. Just be safe okay?" Matt says.

I nod and smile as I go to get ready.

j.axne: circus is in town. You bet I'm gonna go

Liked by pt.barnum, matthewww, annewheeler, kjapa and 810,380 more

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"Matt! I'm going now! Get better!" I shout as I open the door.

"Okay, stay safe, see ya soon," Matt shouts back.

"No parties!" I shout as I close the door on my way out.

The cold air of winter hits my face as I walk over to the circus and purchase a ticket.

"You really want to go to this?!" A protestor shouts.

"Yes I do, now shut up," I retaliate.

"Missy's getting frisky," one guy says.

I spin around and pull my hat off.

"Really?" I stare.

The protestors back away quickly as soon as they see my face.

"Should've know better," I mutter as I put my hat back on and walk inside.

I take a seat at the front and get settled while checking social media, I get some messages that are saying the circus is horrible and some that are telling me to enjoy. It isn't long before I realise that Pt Barnum and Anne Wheeler both liked the post.

By the time everyone is seated and I look up from my phone the show is starting. I take my hat and jacket off and enjoy the show.

The crowd starts to bang their feet on the stands and I join in as well, we don't question it.

Ladies and gents this is the moment you've waited for.

Lights turn on and soon enough the ringmaster runs out with horses following him and he's.... singing...

Tell me do you wanna go!

The rest of the circus lights up and I see his face, PT Barnum. I smile as he makes eye contact with me and shows the crowd the trapeze artists that are flying through the air.

Everyone is smiling, laughing and having the time of their lives as people fly through the air and do all sorts of acts.


The show comes to an end and I'm one of the last people to leave. I'm looking around the building and studying the technicalities of the circus. Eventually I decide to leave but as I walk out, I see more protestors than before, all waiting for the 'freaks' to go home.

All the signs they have are horrible, the things they are saying are cruel and they are all... drunk.

I want to say something but they are ready to hit anyone who tries to talk to them.

You need to say something.

But I don't want to get hurt.

I know you don't bu-

I can't.


I ignore the protestors even if I feel shitty about it and go home, still buzzing from the circus.


I recently watched the greatest showman and decided to write a story about it.

Also I haven't written in months so this is bad but it will get better. I swear.

~ 🌑

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