humble&kind- e.h.

Start from the beginning

after she said that, edwin was joke, literally dying of laughter, but i mean so was i


you- okay well, we gotta go...i gotta hang up, bye baby

edwin- okay, bye baby i love you and good morning my beautiful princess lei, have a great day, daddy loves you

lei- i love you to papa

you- okay baby girl! you ready for school?

lei- am i ever?

i swear she talks like shes 12 sometimes... iy iy iy

when we got to the school i dropped her off and we did our little handshake she came up with, its adorable

you- okay beautiful! momma loves you

lei- adios mama

halfway through my second class, i got a call from the school...ah man, whatd she do?

you- hello

school- hello i this mrs.hornoret?

you- yes!

school- okay, we are calling about your child....

you- leilahni hornoret

school- oh yes! she is in the office right now.

you- what'd she do

school- well. she was getting her lunch and she said 'i want the f*ck' and then the lunch lady told her to not day that, and well she said 'i just want the d*mn f*ck' and she was referring to a fork.

you- oh dear.......oh is she suspended or something?

school- for three days

you- for real, shoot that's what schools do these days? why didn't they do this before.HA

school- MRS.HORNORET! look she said something inappropriate around other kids and we think its best you teach her a lesson.

you- oh yes totally, im on my way

school- okay, goodbye

you- thanks, bye

you- alright everyone..looks like we won't be able to finish class today, im so sorry but my daughter got in trouble today at school and ed's in the studio, all of you work on  the choreo for come and see me or coaster, get together in partners, preferably girl and boy and you will be performing them next time we meet, okay!

all- ya

on my way to the school, i called ed and told him what happened

edwin- wait? so she's suspended, since when did they start doing that?


edwin- to be honest i think we do need to teach her a lesson, she cant be picking up all this language..

you- well, i mean she picks up language quick, like she picked up spanish pretty fast, obviously she'll pick it up to

edwin- true.. what do we do?

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