Micah rang the doorbell bell and within a few seconds, a stunning lady with bouncing brown, shoulder length curls and beautiful dark brown chocolate eyes and creamy skin appeared at the door with a wide smile on her face showing off her perfect, white teeth. She was adorned in a tight white dress that stopped just a bit above her knees and a pair of white pumps.

Wow! She really does love white.

"Boys!" She be exclaimed in surprise and be excitement as she opened her arms to receive hugs from each of them, except her son who she gently pushed aside. "Oh it's been a while" she said once she had finished hugging .

Then her eyes trailed over to me and, if possible, her smile widened even more.

"Who is this?" She asked politely.

"Oh, mom this is the girl I've been telling you about. Dori this is my mom, mom this is Dori, the girl who helped save my life" he said the last part directing a sweet smile to me.

I blushed a bit with my head down and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh my gosh! Dori it's so great to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you and from what they've told me, you seem like an angel" she exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. I was surprised that she heard about me seeing as I had never heard anything about her.

"I-I-Its nice to finally meet y-you too" I gave a small smile as I once again began playing with my fingers. She noticed the small action and placed her hand over mine.

"Oh, you don't have to be nervous around me sweetheart, I don't bite" a genuine smile lit up her kind features, which I once again returned.

"Well come on in guys" she said. As soon as she said this, the boys started to make their way inside but she stopped them.

"Halt!" She said with a Stern Expression and a single finger up as if she was in a 1960's movie. "I taught you guys better than that. Ladies first"

I smiled at that. She was just like her son. The boys parted like the red Sea for me to pass through and as soon as I entered the house, I heard the door slam shut.

I turned around and was surprised to see that she locked the boys outside.

"Come this way sweetie" she said with that same sweet smile on her face and led me to a large living room.

"You can take a seat on the couch. Make yourselves comfortable. I'll be right back" she spun on her heel and went back in the direction we came from.

I took that moment to look around the room which was painted in white.

Huge surprise there.

There were paintings and family pictures all over the walls. A golden chandelier hung above my head and  white couches surrounded me as they were placed in a circle.

To my right was a white staircase leading to upstairs. There were similar golden, intricate markings on the rails too just as it had been on the door.

There were also flowers in vases in various places in the room. All in all, the inside of the house was more beautiful than the outside.

By the time I was done observing, the boys, along with Kruz's mother filed into the room with me.

"Ok guys, you can get yourselves settled. Dinner is almost ready" she said as she sauntered out of the room. I assumed she went to the kitchen.

"W-wow" I said to Kruz in amazement. "Your house is-" I paused.

What was the word again!?

"Your house is-" I tried again, hoping that I would remember the word I was looking for."It is-" I fumbled around, searching for the word to complete my sentence.

Stupid oxygen deprived brain!

"Beautiful?" Ryder suggested.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. That was the word I was looking for. "Yes its beautiful. I love the gold and white theme"

Kruz smiled. "Thanks. They are my mom's favourite colour and she's a designer. She designed the whole house and decided what should go where. She also did the paintings on the walls and had the idea for the intricate markings on the door" Kruz explained.

"Wow. She's good" I said as I looked at some of the paintings hung on the walls. "Really good"

After that we had started up a conversation on art and our favourite artists which then drifted off into some other topics. I had a hard time completing my sentences but it was a fun little chat nonetheless.

Kruz had gotten a notification on his phone and then started typing away so we had most of our conversation without him.

His mother came in a few minutes afterwards and saw him typing.

"Kruz! For Christ sakes, you have visitors! Get off the phone"she said with a roll of her eyes. "You are literally always on your phone"

"Mom, I could've been a drug addict instead. Do you realize how lucky you are?" Was Kruz's response.

His mother rolled her eyes and walked away after making sure that Kruz had put away his phone.

After he did so, he shared an unrecognizable look with Ryder. They did that mind communication thing again and for a fraction of a second, I could've sworn that I saw a look of fear cross over Ryder's features but he quickly masked it.

"Guys, w-w-what's wrong?" I asked looking between the two of them, waiting for and answer.

My question seemed to have attracted the attention of Dennis and Micah too.

Ryder looked at me then back at the boys. "Nothing's wrong princess. Every thing is fine" he said with a reassuring smile but somehow, a feeling in the pit of my stomach told me that something was wrong, that something bad was going to happen.

But before I could press any further, a kind, sweet, melodic voice shouted out from the the kitchen.

"Dinner's ready!"

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