Yous x Mercy

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With Overwatch's line of work then it's obvious that you will get shot at and get hit by said shots. That's why we have battle medics. For example Mercy. Ah Mercy. She has the most lovely blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and is just one of the sweetest people. She puts other before her and will always overwork her self. I help her whenever we don't have missions. Either it be with patients or fixing up the med bay. I don't care what I do as I always get to spend time with her. If it isn't obvious I have a crush on her, like a really big crush. Today I was just helping her fix up the med bay, and she must have noticed that I was in deep thought as she was calling my name. "Y/N, Y/N are you okay? You seem distracted?"she said. "Wha- Oh yeah I'm okay. Just thinking" I say smiling at her. "About what?" She asks. "Oh you know, life" I reply nervously. She nods and goes back to her work. I start fixing up the beds so they are ready for new patients. "Y/N could you come over here for a bit" Mercy calls from her office. "Okay" I call back then walk into the office. "Could you please close the door ?" she asks. I nod and close the door. Then I sit down on the chair in front of her desk. "Y/N I ave noticed your recent behavior, which is very off from how you normally act. And being a doctor it's my job to make sure your in healthy condition so first thing... Why do you thing you haven't been acting normal?" she asks. "Ummm... just there been something on my mind recently that has been gnawing at me for a while, more like since I joined Overwatch. But it has grown more in recent times." I say only slightly telling the truth. "Hmmm... is it the thought of not meeting expectations and being discharged?" she asks with a concern tone. "No nothing like that. Its actually you..." I reply. "Me like i'm somehow mistreating you or your not comfortable around me?" she says witch gives me a shocked expression. "No actually it's the complete opposite. You see since I joined Overwatch I developed this crush on you. And recently it has evolved into love..." I said hanging my head down. "Really?! I also have to admit that since you have been spending more time together I to have developed feelings for you. So another question: Do you want to go out some time?" she asks with a flirty smile. "Yes I would love to" I say smiling back. She get up and walks around the desk and kisses me passionately. Gotta say this was the best day ever.


A/N Well that is the new chapter published. I am hoping to get back into writing this summer and upload more often. Well until next time bye.

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