Orisa x Reader

396 5 10

Gender: Can be male or female
Y/N: Your name. Obviously
L/N: Last name. Duh
"Efi, what do you need this stuff for?" I asked. "Well Y/N if you must know I am building a new robot. Specifically a omnic based after the OR-15" she said. Now you may be wondering what happening. Sure Efi is a genius and expert at robotics, but you still need someone to supply you with parts. That's what I do. "Oh. So that's why you need all this stuff. To make a omnic, not a robot. So if their going to be omnic wouldn't they need a name?" I ask with a different question. "Yes of course. I have named her Orisa. And I even have developed an A.I for her. Come" she replied. I followed her until we reached a computer with a oval shaped face. It had circular eyes, and a tiny rectangular mouth. "Hello Efi. What shall we be doing today?" the face asked in a robotic voice. "Nothing Orisa. I'm here to introduce you to Y/N L/N. The person I've been telling you about" Efi said to Orisa. "Hi" I said with a slight blush, but I don't know why I was blushing. "Oh, hello Y/N. It is quite nice to meet you" Orisa said with a blush as well. Efi was giving us a puzzled look, but then smiled. "Well I am just going to leave you guys to do what you want" she says while leaving. Soon me and Orisa were talking and laughing. "Well Orisa I need to go now. Bye" I say with a hint of sadness in my voice. "Goodbye Y/N. Can you please come back when I'm fully built?" she asked "Of course! Why would I leave my robo-girl" I say leaving a blush on her face. I then leave Efi's workshop hoping for Efi to finish building Orisa as fast as possible while keeping her perfect.
A/N Well that's my first one shot. Don't know if it was good or not but hey I liked it so it's going up. Well if your reading this then it's considered already up so... I like it so it's going to stay up.

The Overwatch Girls x You (Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora