Girl Fight (Part 1: Luna)

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A bright summers day at Hogwarts interupted by the yells and arguments of the students. Hermione, Luna and Ginny on one side, Harry, Neville and  Draco on the other. Hermione hadn't done anything out of line so far so she hadnt been in trouble all week. Until now. The girls became reckless and stormed off. They did everything they had been told not to just to piss off the boys. The first guy to get his girl under control was Neville though Luna still fought against him. He threw her over his shoulder "where do we take them to deal with them?" he sighs. Harry glances over "room of Requirements. You can go first but wait until we are all in there. Put her in the corner for now" he yells over to him as he pulls Ginny away from the lake. She trips and he catches her "meet us inside Draco" he says softly and carries Ginny kicking and screaming inside followed by Draco carrying a tired but still fighting Hermione.

Each girl was placed in a different corner of the Room of Requirements and forced to stand with their skirts tucked in at the waistband and their panties around their ankles. The boys decided amongst themselves that Luna would be first as she was the first to stop and Neville had the longest to calm down.

Neville strolled over to the corner and tangled his hands in Luna's hair, tugging it slowly, pulling her head back slightly "Listen to me." Neville sighed "what you did was wrong. I've never done this before so we are gonna have to work together. Ok?" Luna only nodded. Neville slapped her pale bottom once "words, Lu" he sighed. Luna gasped "yes" she bit her lip. Neville bit his lip "during your punishment, you will adress me as 'sir'. Am I understood?" He ran his hand up and down her thigh. "Yes sir" Luna breathed shakily.  Neville took a tight grip on her wrist and led her to a chair in the centre of the room. He took a seat and gently pulled Luna over his lap, allowing her time to steady herself.

His hands massaged her creamy skin "do you understand why I'm doing this, Lulu?" He sighed softly, patting her ass softly. She bit her lip and nodded "yes sir" she said softly. He nodded in approval, and ran his finger tips up her thigh. This was all new to him but he'd seen others do it enough that he wasn't clueless.

With a dominance that was completely new to him he began the assult on her ass over her thin skirt. His slaps were soft and sloppy at first but it didn't take long for them to become hard and precise, coating her ass in a layer of fire. After a few especially hard slaps, he tucked her skirt into the waistband and started against her panties.

She squirmed and cried over his lap as her panties were pushed down to her ankles "Never. Ever. Disrespect. Me. Again. Understand?" Each word was punctuated with a hard slap as her ass flared an angry red. "Yes, sir!" she cried out, going limp over as lap, sobbing. Neville decided this was enough, and stopped, rubbing her red flesh and sighing "go stand with your nose in the corner and keep your skirt and panties where the are" Luna obeyed with out much encouragement and rushed to the corner, hiding her tear stained face against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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