Ginevra Weasly?

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"Hermione!" Harry yelled, flailing his arms around and jumping up and down as I walked into The Three Broomsticks. "Harry!" i yelled back running over to him. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. He placed my down with care and placed an innocent kiss on my forehead. Ginny was sat in her seat with red puffy eyes. "What happened?" i asked Harry. "She was stealing potion supplies from Slughorn and I caught her but I dont know what I should do. Any ideas?" Harry sighed. A slight look of betrayal in his emerald green eyes. "Yes actually. We'll be back soon." I sighed planning my next moves very carefully. Harry nod and I lead Ginny back to the school and up to the soundproof room of requirements. Draco wasn't there luckily so we stood alone. "Ginevera Weasly, what were you thinking?" i asked. No reply. I turned her around and gave her a smack on her ass then turned her around again. A look of shock was etched upon her pale face. I tightened my grip on her wrist "Answer me Ginny." i warned "I was planning on making a polyjuice potion to impress my teacher but didnt have the ingredients so I stole them." she mumbled. A sigh of annoyance escaped my lips. "Corner now!" i said bluntly. She went to protest but i stopped her "Just do it!" i growled. She obliged and trudged over to the corner.

*Ginny's pov*
I had been stood in that blasted corner for 10 minutes already. I mean my punishment could have been worse. "Ginny come over here please." I turned to see Hermione sat on a stool with a wooden hairbrush on the table next to her. Shit. I slowly edged over to her and she dragged me over her lap before resting her hand on my plump ass which was covered by my leggings which were going to offer little protection. "Have you ever recieved a spanking before, Ginny?" she asked in a calm voice. "Yes ma'am." I answered remembering the rules that Dean had taught me last year. "Very good. Do we need to run over why you are recieving this spanking?" she asked, still not breaking her calm voice. I shook my head "No ma'am" The first hit took me by surprise. It wasnt as hard as Dean but it still hurt. Hit upon hit was showered on to my behind. I felt a cold feeling on my ass. The hairbrush. She lifted it and brought it down again. This stung so much more. I deseperately wanted to reach back but knew it would only make things worse. A few hits from this and I was sobbing. Hermione stopped for a moment so I took a ragged breath. I was about to stand up when I felt her cold fingers wrap around the line of my leggings and begin to tug them down. A hot sensation exploded in my cheeks as I blushed. I was only wearing a thong. Hermione stroked my hair then began to spank me with the hairbrush again. After 10 hits I was sobbing violently and after 20 I was almost screaming after every hit. She stopped and stood me up. She then pulled me closer and cradled me in her arms while rubbing my now bright red ass. Every so often hitting it again just to make sure she had got the message across. I winced each time. We sat like this for a while before Hermione stood me up again and put me back in the corner while she grabbed something out of her bag and came back over. She took ahold of my hand and lead me back to the stool. She sat then guided me back over her lap. I froze. I heard a lid pop and felt her smack my ass 2 more times before applying a cold cream. It felt good for a moment but that didnt last long. A firey pain shot in my ass causing me to start crying all over again. "Take it off please!!!" i squealed, squirming around. "Sorry babe but this is part of your punishment" she answered. I felt my tgong slowly being removed and replaced by some cotton underwear. I stood up and went to grab my leggings but Mione took my hand and lead me to a pair of skinny jeans she had brought. Hermione helped me put them on. I winced as the rough fabric tightened against my very sore behind. Hermione cradled me again and stroked my hair while whispering sweet nothings. She held me close with her protective arms. I snuggled my head into the crook of het neck as she took us to the Gryffindor common room where Harry was waiting for us. "Hey my fave girls. How did you punish her Mione?" he asked no one was around so she replied "Spanking" Harry's eyes met hers in shock. " Can I see how much?" he asked. I nod so Hermione put me on the floor. The three of us went into the girls dormitory. And I stood as Hermione undid my jeans and gently slided them down. I was blushishing vigorously as she turned me around and pulled down my underwear. "Mione, take a pic and show me it please?" i whispered. She did as I asked. I was shocked by the deep red that my bottom was. Harry gave it a couple of swats before deciding that I wasnt done yet. He sat on my bed and led me over his lap and swatted at my ass ruthlessly until i was screaming. Thank God Hermione used a sound-proofing charm. Tears fell from my eyes like an avalanche as Harry continued to beat my ass with force. He let me up and pulled me towards him. He put one arm on the top of my back and the other on my waist and hugged me. The hand on my waist began to explore until it reached my flaming hot ass. He gave it a fim squeeze and I jumped causing us all to giggle alittle. I will never steal again.

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