Draco's Sister

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I was in the Gryffindor common room with Ginny. It had been a week since my first spanking and i no longer felt any pain. Harry and Ron were down at Hogsmeade. Draco was waiting for me in the room of requirements so I had to get away from Ginny. "Hey Gin?" i questioned "Yeah Mione" i took a deep breath "i have to catch up with a teacher so is it ok if I love you and leave you?" i lied through my teeth. She nod and I dashed to the room of requirements. I walked inside and heard a sobbing noise in the corner. I whipped my head in the direction of the noise and saw Draco cradling a young girl. The young girl looked no older than two and had bleach blonde hair just like Draco and wide blue eyes glassed over with tears just like Draco's steely grey ones. Draco hadnt seen me so I waited for him to put the young girl on another chair before strolling over to the sofa and placing myself over his lap. His signature smirk plastered upon his pale face as I lay there with my bum in the air and my head hanging off the chair. Draco just laughed so i wiggled my bum alittle. I hated lap spankings but I just wanted on swat. He laughed as I wiggled then rubbed my butt beffore giving it a firm whack the rubbing it again. I jumped up off his lap then went to go see the little girl in the corner. I sat on my knees and brushed a stray hair out of my eyes. "Illana" Draco said bluntly

*Draco's pov*
Illana is my sister. My dad was drunk one night three years ago and him and my mam did somethings and now she's here "Mi are you good with kids?" i asked scooping her into a baby carry and patting her back. This lead to alot of laughter from both me and my girlfriend.

*Hermione pov*
"Well Daddy I am pretty good with kids." i answered in a baby voice. We were howling at tgis point. "Thank God Im really bad with them !" he sighed. While he was placing me on the sofa, i kicked him in the knee which landed me another ,shorter but still  another painful, trip over Draco's lap. I straddled his lap for a bit before getting Illana and cuddling with her on the sofa Draco came over and lifted the two of us up, sat down and put us on his lap. We slept for a few hors then I had to go see Harry about sometging or other. I love this boy! Draco!

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