Chapter 2: Stirring the pot

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Jaspers POV

I woke up to feeling drained I forgot I didn't "eat" properly yesterday. I looked at Jammy's neck and got hungry but I swallowed and tried to ignore the feeling. He then turned to me and rubbed his eyes. "Morning" he said before yawning but then he remembered "Oh wait its night here heh." He sat up and stretched.

He stretched and my head got closer to his neck and I began to breathe heavily no longer able to stop my urges to feed. Jammy was begging to sweat and swallowed which threw me over the edge and I bit into his neck and pinned him but instead of a cry for help he moaned did....did I bite his sensitive point? From what I heard and saw from father it's in the same spot as mothers...

He gripped onto my shirt "you can take as much blood as you need I don't mind.." he said and I blushed and began drinking and Jammy would sometimes let out a sharp breath or a moan and after awhile I stopped. I blushed and wiped my mouth and wiped of his neck he began to look pale so I went and got him food.

PaperJams POV

I felt lightheaded from the blood loss but after I ate I felt a little better it's been a weeks since me and Jasper met and I already feel like we've become close. I got dressed and so did Jasper we then went out with Suave to the markets to pick up some things. I looked at my nearly dead phone and looked to see if I could have somehow got a message from mom.....nothing.

I sighed and rest my head against a wall and I took a deep breath I mean I like it here but I miss Mom and Error and Fresh. Jasper calls my name and I put my phone away and went to him and he handed me some bags and we began to head back to the castle. When we walked in all the maids were going on with there business and they took the bags from us and took them to kitchen and Jasper dragged me into the music hall they have it had a grand piano and Fallacy was there and he didn't look pleased with Jasper or me.

Jaspers POV

"Erm father can my friend listen to us play?" I asked and Father instantly looked at how my friend dressed. "He may but after he will need to wear formal and less bright clothing this is a castle not a circus." He demanded and Jammy became visibly nervous but we went to the piano and Jammy pulled up a chair trying to be neat afraid of my father.

PaperJams POV

After Jaspers piano lesson I was taken to change but I didn't want to be a male only on the inside. When suave took off my shirt he blushed and covered his eyes. I realised I forgot my binder to keep my chest flat. He went out the room and brought out the maid who was singing in the shower which was awkward but we got me dressed but sadly...since I'm technically a female they put me in a dress also cause they didn't have any other clothes for me.

I looked at myself in the mirror

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I teared up I don't wanna wear a dress I'm a boy not a girl yeah I may have the females body parts but I'm a boy...right the made called Some other maids and they all look sympathetic. Except for one who was grinning. "Look you have a girl body you're a girl so act like one. Oh wait I forgot that your from an au where shit like that's okay now isn't it sad that reality ha hit you in the fa-" I cut her off and punched her as hard as possible knocking her out...

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