Chapter 4

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"For your first training, we will be testing your physical abilities," said a fit man in his twenties. "Don't underestimate this challenge, it won't be easy."

A large group of boys was separated into many different groups, each going to different stations. John was separated from Carter and were both put in different areas. John's group walked up to a middle aged man holding large pointy sticks.

"This station," he said," is your ability to hit a target. You all will try your best to hit the middle of those targets with these javelins. Has anyone ever heard of a javelin before?"

G, who John didn't even know was in his group because he couldn't see him, raised his hand.

"Uhh you, over there," the trainer said as he pointed to G.

"A javelin is a light spear, primarily used for hunting in Ancient Greece and Rome. In the late 20th and early 21st century, they were used as a sort of game as to who could throw it the furthest," said G as if he had studied javelins all his life.

"I guess that about covers it, yes," said the surprised trainer. "Well, let's get started then.

First, John practiced on a hologram representation of javelin throwing. Even on the hologram, he wasn't close to hitting the target. Luckily, G wasn't doing too much better than him. John looked across the room and saw Carter throwing knives directly into the middle of a target. At least he was going to pass his physical exam.

As John moved around to every station, he realized he had absolutely no physical abilities. When John was in his previous school, he relied heavily on passing by with the least effort possible. That was why reprogramming and hacking were his favorite hobbies.

A group of guys laughed at John and G with their failed attempts. The tallest of all them chuckled and jokes,"I think you guys are in the wrong gender facility."

All of his friends seemed to think it was hilarious, but G was furious.

"Just ignore them for now. When we do different tests, then we'll show them."


John returned to his room that night more exhausted than he had ever been. To make matters worse, his illness was progressively growing worse. He kept vomiting and a rash was growing on his upper calf.

"Wristscreen, heal," he spoke.

The rash dissolved quickly. John decided to go for walk around his dormitory to explore. The majority of his walk was consumed by the massive hallways where the same room was copied over and over again. Then, as he exited the dormitory, he found the holotram he used to get there the first day. As he walked up to it, the doors wouldn't open. He tried again and got the same response. He then walked over to a nearby window and tried to lift it up. Locked.

John was starting to feel a little worried. In the training facility presentation, they didn't go over the part where everyone was stuck with no way out. John tapped into the screen on the holotram. He knew what he wanted to do, but had never done it on something so complex. After 15 minutes John had done it. He had successfully reprogrammed the holotram, his biggest task he had ever done.

When John hopped into it, he tapped on Terminal A - the entrance area. It was not that he wanted to leave, but that he was bored of terminal S and wanted to see what else the facility had to offer. When he arrived at his destination, a guard was prowling the hallways. John quickly took off down one of the side halls. While he was running, something caught his eye. In the enormity of the entire place, he had found the room with all the nanoscreens he saw on his first day.

When he walked in, John got a surprise when he looked into one of the chairs and saw G sitting there looking at the screen with all of history's past databases on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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