Chapter 1

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John was sick. Again. This was the fourth time this week, way above average . As he tried to open his eyes, a cough forced itself out of his throat. His parents too both didn't feel well, a pretty common occurrence. The medical scientists had given up on his family, frustrated because they could cure just about everything except for his family. John just liked to believe his family had special genetics. Despite their ailments, everyone in his family was still there, except for John's grandpa who had disappeared long ago.

John groaned. His first day of training school was today. That meant he had to leave home and go to Training School. Training School begins at age 14 and continues until age 20. There, talents can be found and explored. It wouldn't be too bad, except for he was good at nothing except hacking into national databases, a pastime he did when his mother was not looking.

"John Harper, get out of bed now!" his mother exclaimed through the minuscule chip in his brain.


John hopped over the side of the bed. Every citizen in the universe had to have that chip installed from birth. Everyone seemed to love it, but he just found it extremely annoying.

As John walked downstairs, he decided to watch the news for a few minutes. Something about 2 more galaxies being discovered and plans to build on them. It then delved into an update on the war. Two more planets had been demolished. The news also pronounced the human population had broken a quadrillion. John could care less about anything informative or education.

He walked over to the energy dock. He connected it to his arm and waited for the green to flash, signaling his body had all the energy it needed for the day. He had heard of people putting solid matter into their bodies for energy a long time ago, but didn't think much of it.

John and his family live on planet Xerion. Xerion happens to be a gaseous world. It is also a residential world, all of the homes residing on a floating layer 4 miles from the surface.

John's mother and father both walked out of the bedroom. All beds were formed for many different purposes. One setting scans all different kinds of diseases and cancers, eradicating them. (Obviously not John's family's). Another setting compacts a nights sleep into 6 minutes, maximizing production.

They were both looking pale, but were still sad and had to say their goodbyes because he was leaving.

"You're going to do great son," his father said.

His mom was too choked up to talk.

John then received a call from his best friend Talia. The chips recently changed from "voice automated" to "thought automated", enabling the user to think a command.

"Talia, what do you want?" John spoke halfheartedly.

"Well, first off, you need to come to training today because I really, really need to show you something."

"Alright. What else?"

"Oh! And second, you're already two notches late."

"Gotcha, be right there."

John said his last goodbyes to his parents and then hopped into the transporter. In no time, he was on planet Zeyx walking up the steps of the training facility.

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