Chapter 17 (Final Interview)

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Yuuri doesn't feel very nervous for his final interview with Caesar, just impatient to get home. 

Viktor gives Yuuri a quick kiss before letting him walk on to the stage towards Caesar who excitedly greets Yuuri. 

"Yuuri welcome back!" 

They sit across from each other on stage. 

"Wow, these games were so emotional this year. I speak for everyone when I say I was in tears at least twice" 

"Yeah well me too, as seen" 

Caesar laughs "Alright time for the recap of the games!" 

The large screen lights up behind them. It shows the reaping going through the selection quickly then Yuuri's training score, Yuuri's interview and into the arena. Yuuri holds his breath as they show the two Yuri's meeting and becoming allies, the nights they cuddled together and the fight. Yuuri sees what he didn't before. 

Yuri runs into the forest but Otabek catches up quickly, with his sword in hand he cuts Yuri's back deeply and Yuri falls to his knees. Yuri grabs his axe and uses all his strength to throw the axe into Otabek's chest killing him instantly, then Yuri collapses beside Otabek groaning in pain. Yuuri runs towards the boy and they play his death in full, Yuuri's begging and tears included. Even the bit where Yuuri lost it and slammed Otabek's sword, still covered in Yuri's blood, into the trees around him so hard that he broke the handle. 

Then they show the next day, the boy from District twelve was in a tree and couldn't get down in time as the arena collapsed. Then Phichit barely makes it on to the field. Yuuri's accidental stabbing and then it ends. 

Everyone in the audience cheers and some people are crying while chanting Yuuri's name. 

This is sick.

He looks down at his hands. 

Caesar gets the audience quiet and turns back to Yuuri. 

"Wow, just wow. So, you said in the first interview that you didn't want any allies and Yuri Plisetsky said the same so what changed?" 

His heart squeezes when he thinks about young Yuri. 

"Well... he had been watching me and said I would be useful, I took pity on him since I had so much food and he had none. I missed human company" 

"I'm sure you did" Caesar pats his hand. 

What is that supposed to mean?

"Okay we have time for one last question. When Phichit asked you if you had family or a lover, you said yes. Does this mean that you have a lover? If so who?" 

Yuuri smiled, Viktor made it perfectly clear just before the interview. 

"If they ask about a partner say yes, say it's me. Make it perfectly clear that you are off the market for your own safety okay?" 

"Okay but why?" 

"I'll explain later" 

"Yes Caesar I have a lover" 

"Oh do tell" 

"You know him. My boyfriend is Viktor Nikiforov" 

The audience gasps and Caesar puts a hand on his heart. 

"My, that is a surprise" 

"We promised to be with each other if I won the hunger games" 

"And that you did, ladies and gentleman, clap your hands once again for the winner of the 70th hunger games Yuuri Katsuki!" 

The sound is deafening as Yuuri walks off and straight into Viktor's arms. 

"Lets go home" he yells over the crowd. 

"Now!" they laugh and run to the train arm in arm.

Yuri on Ice, The Hunger Games AUWhere stories live. Discover now